Position of direction "stop"


I'm somewhat confused how to produce and interpret direction elements with
'start' and 'stop' attributes, like wedges, octave shifts and pedal marks. 

Comparing the MusicXML example files and their PDF versions it seems that e.g.
 <wedge type="start"/> is installed before the note elements (s) the wedge 
is related to visually and <wedge type="stop"/> is installed after the last
note element it is related to. 

But in the (yes, unofficial) MusicXML test suite
in the 33a-Spanners.xml many spanner directions have their stop _before_ the
last note related to the direction. This is not consistent, as octave shifts
seem to stop after the last note.

In the schema, there is an annotation at directions: "or applications where a
specific direction is indeed attached to a specific note, the direction
element can be associated with the note element that follows it in score
order that is not in a different voice." This is a bit  vague to me...

As this impacts quite a lot for both visual and played music, which
interpretation is correct: stop element before or after the last note?   


Received on Sunday, 4 April 2021 09:42:42 UTC