Re: Guitar bends

Hi Erik,

No, there are no bend arrows in SMuFL. Perhaps the existing arrowheads in the 'Arrows and arrowheads' category would be sufficient to handle the arrowheads on the ends of the beam arrows?


On 17/01/2020, 23:07, "Erik Ronström" <> wrote:


    Are there any symbols for guitar bends (such as ⤴ and ⤵) in SMuFL? I cannot find any!

    Even if bends are too complex to be drawn only as precomposed glyphs, I would still like to have the arrow parts – they should probably look different in a jazz font for instance. Preferably also the most common simple bends could be defined as precomposed glyphs.


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Received on Sunday, 19 January 2020 13:31:47 UTC