Re: [musicxml] Add a listen element for score following and machine listening apps (#294)

Score Following applications would obviously need the score. There are cases where the musical context provided by MusicXML is not sufficient enough to address reactions. One scenario is the "end of a phrase" or "beginning of a section/rehearsal mark" where the system should not react continuously.

This is similar to "playback" elements in purpose. It makes much more sense to include them in MusicXML than keeping them separate. At Antescofo, we have been using Miscellaneous elements embedded in MusicXML to address such use-cases.

The case of Assessment is ofcourse very different!

I guess one way to address this is to list current use-cases by each actor.

We will try to contribute to this Issue swiftly.

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Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2019 17:47:45 UTC