Re: Unique ids in MusicXML 3.1 and beyond


I've been quietly lurking on list for some months now--since last TPAC.

I want to now voice support for an approach such as is outlined below.
Something like this is important to maximize the accessibility of the
new protocol. I strongly support the approach.


James Sutton writes:
> Hi all,
> The sample MusicXML files use ids for cross-referencing items in the file - eg parts "P1" and instruments "P1-I3".
> In my application I am labelling every editable item in the file (notes, notations, directions etc) with a globally unique integer id so that file edits can be recorded and replayed, allowing users to share musical annotations
> If we are looking for interoperability such that one program can read another program's integer ids we will need a standard way to convert between string and integer (ie defining a prefix and integer base), bearing in mind that it is mandated by the standard for ( that the xml:id must start with a non-numeric character.  I propose the prefix "uid" followed by a hex integer eg "uid9ab".
> It is not immediately obvious that 2 programs developed in isolation will need to access each other's uids in most cases, but it is not unimaginable that certain applications will find a use for this interoperation.
> Does the group have any view on this?
> with best regards
> James Sutton
> Dolphin Computing
> <>
> <>
> <>


Janina Sajka,	Phone:	+1.443.300.2200

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Received on Friday, 8 September 2017 12:15:07 UTC