Re: GitHub repositories proposal

Am 05.09.2017 um 17:49 schrieb Joe Berkovitz:
>     What I /am/ proposing is that GMNX should consist of SVG with
>     embedded temporal info. There have been no other proposals that
>     come anywhere near meeting the GMNX objectives described in the
>     charter, so I think we should move on to discussing that
>     particular solution in more detail. Hence my request for a
>     separate repository.
> GMNX already consists of SVG plus temporal info. Please see:
Thanks for that! I wasn't aware that that doc had been updated. Perhaps 
others should also take a look.

> And the specific discussion around embedding vs. cross-referencing 
> temporal data is already well-captured in this GMNX issue which you 
> opened:
> It's clear from the thread that some CG members feel that 
> cross-referencing has advantages over embedding. We do understand that 
> you prefer embedding. The GMNX specification, when drafted, will take 
> its best shot at resolving this question.
Cross referencing seems to me to be unnecessarily complicated. Parsing 
is always easier, and more reliable, if there's only one file. As you 
say, this question still needs to be resolved.

> Overall, it seems that the existing framework for raising and 
> discussing issues is working fine. Let's move on with respect to the 
> repositories question. When a concensus begins to emerge within the 
> group that a single repo is unwieldy, we can always change that.
Okay! :-)


Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2017 17:57:59 UTC