Re: Trill fonts (Whole step trill, and Half-step trill, ligatures, and turns?)

I had scoring sessions in London last month at Abbey Road and AIR, and had a chance to talk to some music prep company people and librarians there about the issue. 

Their responses are almost the same.1) They would like to see the special font to be added for whole note and half note trills. They are rather tired of specifying trill note with small or parenthesized note, or creating special combination of font using whatever the special function in notation software. Just one click away to correct trill indicatin would speed things up greatly, especially for no-key concert notation, and scores with a lot of transposed instruments.  
2) "W" for a whole note trill and "1/2" for a half note trill seems to be accepted indication. "H" would be less common, and for sight reading, "W" and "1/2" are so different looking, the players seem to prefer them. 

3) "W" and "1/2" are better to be appeared above the trill sign just like sharp/flat/natural, and not followed by.

4) They love to see that notation softwares to correctly interpret trill intervals with these signs for playback. ;)

Sincerely Yours

Kentaro Sato (Ken-P)
Composer & Conductor
Wiseman Project LLC/GK (President & CEO)

      From: Daniel Spreadbury <>
 To: "" <> 
Cc: Kentaro Sato (Ken-P) <>
 Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 11:07 PM
 Subject: Re: Trill fonts (Whole step trill, and Half-step trill, ligatures, and turns?)
Thanks for raising this issue, Kentaro.

I agree that these notations are usedin commercial copying. I believe that they have arisen out of the factthat scoring software cannot typically display the appropriate accidentalalong with the trill based on the note to which the trill is applied, andthe current transposition (which may result in the same trill needing todisplay different accidentals in different contexts), and this notationis a way of displaying the trill interval in a simple and reliable way.

The question, I think, is whether itmakes sense to add "W", "H", and "1/2" tothe 'Ornaments' range (or a new supplemental range if necessary), giventhat these characters are widely available in any text font and it is possible,if not probable, that the user would want the font for these charactersto follow the text fonts otherwise in use for the score.

My inclination is that we should notadd these glyphs to SMuFL on this basis, but of course there is precedentfor doing it the other way (e.g. the "D.C.." et al. charactersthat were inherited from the existing musical symbols Unicode range).

I welcome feedback from the communityabout this issue.


From:       "Kentaro Sato(Ken-P)" <>
To:       ""<>
Date:       28/09/2017 16:05
Subject:       Trill fonts(Whole step trill, and Half-step trill, ligatures, and  turns?)

Dear All

As the number of film/game/TV cues written in concertC key has increased, many scoring composers and orchestrators have startedto use trill notation which specifies the interval (a whole step or a halfstep) rather than using sharp/natural/flat or with a small destinationnote. I had found this whole-step and half-step trill notation to be veryuseful, and I would like the community to think this issue. 

The main idea is to use "tr" with "W""H" or "1/2".  "W" is for whole-notetrill, and "H" or "1/2" are for half-step trill. 

I have personally use "W" and "1/2,"and put those above the "tr" since that use less horizontal space.
However, I have seen "W" "H" or "1/2"placed after "tr." 

So, my questions are

1) Whether this issue to be considered or not.
2) If yes, whether "W" "H" or "1/2"are best way for specifying trill intervals for international music communityin mind. 
3) Where those additional characters to be placed? Above"tr", next to "tr", or other?
4) Whether these additional characters to be used for"turn notation" for recommended ligatures. Please refer to recommendedligatures at

Thank you for your consideration, and here is examples!

Sincerely Yours

Kentaro Sato (Ken-P)
Composer & Conductor
Wiseman Project LLC/GK (President & CEO)

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Received on Friday, 10 November 2017 16:48:12 UTC