MNX Proposal Overview - and reduction of "book-keeping and post-processing"

Hi all

Very general considerations about what makes MusicXML complicated. And 
ideas for making it simpler in NMX (maybe ideas running wild):

1. One pass? My program uses four passes to read the MusicXML file. 
Could a MNX-file be read and understood by reading it once from the 

2. More than one instrument in one part? This is possible in MusicXML 
and causes problems (Crossreference tables and complicated decoding). I 
think that it would be better to say: One part = one instrument. Some 
definition like "<printout>1,2;3,4</printout>" should make the score 
look as usual and merge instruments and voices. An example of this in 
MusicXML is "Telemann.xml", with <backup>, <forward>, <tie> and <tied> 
to controll this.
(Excerpt from "Liebe! Liebe! Was ist schöner als die Liebe?"

3. Only one value of divisions? I don't like division-changes inside a 
part. In my program I compute a new general value by analysing the 
primefactors in durations and change all durations - and also I reduce 
the number of divisions (Sibelius has very high divisions). The decision 
to do this came, when I was thinking of a note starting and ending in 
different values of divisions and the possibility that there was no 
timertick where the note ended. Durations shall be exact - A 
divisions-value of 256 and a triol should not be allowed, because the 
durations will be rounded, e.g. 85, 85 and 86. My algoritm fails to find 
common prime-numbers here where 85 and 86 is really the same number.

To "MNX Proposal overview" this could be added to Section 3.2 Profiles 
after "The metrical content of a tuplet does not exceed its duration":
Add: "The duration values must be exact." (no rounding)
And: "The common value of divisions value should be as small as possible"
(No common factor exists for divisions and all durations)

4. A <move>-declaration to move cursor? Specify some notes with duration 
and use <move> to step the time. And get rid of <tie> and <tied>?
In case the notewriter wants a note divided there could be a command 
like <ties>24,24,24,24</ties> for a note of duration 96 to divide it 
into four notes with ties.

5. Should the score not be divided into parts? This could be done by 
using notes including the part number - compact note values:
"<note "2Cb4:flat:6"/>"
be part=2, pitch=Cb, octave=4, accidental=flat, duration=6?

Maybe I have not understood the term "cursor" - just consider it as my 
TimerTick, incremented for every division and place where a note can be 


Received on Monday, 27 March 2017 07:47:14 UTC