Re: Revised Community Group charter – request for feedback. A list of Musical Symbols in "Deliverables"?

Hi Mogens,
I'm sorry, but I don't think such a document should be a deliverable of the
group for the following reasons:
- I think it is too open ended and broad in scope. Group members could end
up spending a lot of time on this when they should be focused on developing
our core deliverables (such as MNX standards etc.)

- A lot of this is already covered in the SMuFL documentation. I find the
SMuFL documentation to be one of the most comprehensive list of musical
symbols. To your point, however, it is not related to MusicXML or MNX, and
I don't think it should be. I think it is important to keep SMuFL separate
from MusicXML/MNX, as it can be used in other contexts (just like Unicode
can be used outside of HTML).

- I don't understand why you would want the symbol names in just English
and German. Music is an international language, so this decision seems

If you wish to pursue such a project on your own, then others in the group
(and elsewhere) may find this information useful. Unfortunately, I feel
that it detracts from the primary focus of the group.

J. Sawruk

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 2:26 PM, <>

> Thanks.
> Another consideration: I think that the section ”Deliverables” should have a document ”List of musical symbols”. Several such documents are on the net but they are all incomplete and not exact in the description. And not related to MusicXML/MNX.
> Then for every symbol the corresponding MusicXML and MNX keyword should also be noted. Also it would be good to have the symbol name in both German and English. (The German word would normally be the same as in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian etc.). Maybe also the references to SMuFL could be included.
> Examples of how a description should be like:
> 1. Repeats: A Repeat Start shall save current repeat position and repeat number. And set current repeat number to one.
> 2. Repeats: A Repeat End shall set the current position back to repeat position and restore the saved repeat position and repeat number. (image and translation ...)
> 3. Volta brackets (endings): A Closed Volta bracket shall be played if the current repeat number is equal to the volta number.
> (image and translation ...)
> 4. Volta brackets (endings): An Open Volta shall be entered if the current repeat number is equal to the volta number. The repeat number shall be set to one. A repeat inside a volta must appear after the keyword for volta (<ending …>). ...
> (image and translation ... )
> This document would also be a link between the other documents. With a proper tool missing links could be identified.
> Would this List of Musical Symbols be a good idea?
> /Mogens
> On 2017-06-24 12:41, Daniel Spreadbury wrote:
> CG does indeed stand for Community Group, but CLA stands for Contributor
> License Agreement. See here:
> Daniel

Received on Monday, 3 July 2017 18:53:10 UTC