Add 'noteheadOrigin' coordinates to alternate noteheads (Bravura 1.204, SMuFL 1.2)

Daniel, et al,

While working on some conversion code, I noticed that alternate noteheads
that should have a 'glyphsWithAnchors' value don't have 'noteheadOrigin'
coordinates, but should. Here are the values that should be there:

- noteheadDoubleWholeAlt (uniE0A0.salt01): (0.14, 0)
- noteheadDoubleWholeSmall (uniE0A0.ss01): (0.444, 0)
- noteheadDoubleWholeOversized (uniE0A0.ss05): (.392, 0)

There may be others, but I didn't check.


Received on Monday, 25 July 2016 18:26:57 UTC