Re: [smufl] Add 'Combining raise/lower by one 53-limit comma' glyphs to 'Extended Helmholtz-Ellis accidentals' range

Marc Sabat has recently contacted me with a number of other glyphs 
that should be added to the [Extended Helmholtz-Ellis accidentals 
 range, as follows:

Name | Description | Visual appearance | Code point 
---- | ---- | ---- | ----
accidentalQuarterFlatEqualTempered | Lower by one equal tempered 
quarter-tone | Reversed flat with T above it | E2F5
accidentalQuarterSharpEqualTempered | Raise by one equal tempered 
quarter tone | Single angled-line sharp with T above it | E2F6
accidentalCombiningLower53LimitComma | Combining lower by one 53-limit
 comma | Three slanted lines down and to the right | E2F7
accidentalCombiningRaise53LimitComma | Combining raise by one 53-limit
 comma | Three slanted lines up and to the right | E2F8
accidentalEnharmonicTilde | Enharmonically reinterpret accidental 
tilde | ~ | E2F9
accidentalEnharmonicAlmostEqualTo | Enharmonically reinterpret 
accidental almost equal to | ≈ | E2FA
accidentalEnharmonicEquals | Enharmonically reinterpret accidental 
equals | = | E2FB

Marc also wants to use square brackets and parentheses, which are 
already encoded in the [Standard accidentals 
 range as `accidentalParensLeft` (U+E26A), `accidentalParensRight` 
(U+E26B), `accidentalBracketLeft` (U+E26C), and 
`accidentalBracketRight` (U+E26D), per #10.

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Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2016 10:26:20 UTC