Re: recent heavy activity -- intonation markings

I am simply writing to the list, having not participated in any direct 
editing underway, since it seems that people are heading for a summary 
of work to date.

I hope that these items of special interest have been or can be included:
Group 1
Custom accidentals to include just intonation inflections; comma means 
here a syntonic comma, or comma of Didymus, approximately 22 cents.    
These should be different than quarter tone accidentals.

Sharp with intonation lowered a comma
Flat with intonation raised a comma
Natural with intonation lowered a comma
Natural with intonation raised a comma

I have not found a sharp with intonation raised to be necessary, nor a 
flat with intonation lowered -- however, the proponents of what is 
called expressive intonation in string playing do use raised sharps and 
lowered flats by small intervals other than commas.

Group 2

Intonation markings to attach to and be placed over or under a 
notehead:    raised comma, raised two commas, lowered comma, lowered two 

William Copper

Received on Monday, 18 April 2016 15:03:28 UTC