- From: Hervé Bitteur <herve.bitteur@audiveris.com>
- Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 20:45:23 +0000
- To: Joe Berkovitz <joe@noteflight.com>
- Cc: public-music-notation-contrib@w3.org
- Message-Id: <570687F2.4070508@audiveris.com>
On 03/04/2016 20:35, Joe Berkovitz wrote: > In preparation for the discussion of use cases and other substantive questions at this week's upcoming meeting in Frankfurt, I've undertaken a major rewrite of this document: > > https://www.w3.org/community/music-notation/wiki/MusicXML_Use_Cases <https://www.w3.org/community/music-notation/wiki/MusicXML_Use_Cases> Bonjour Joe, I have just discovered this document, and really appreciated the combined views: stories (use cases) in one dimension and content (data) in the other. Rather than editing the wiki directly (and introducing confusion), I'm posting an informal message here, asking for your advice. Oddly enough, OMR seems under-represented in this music notation discussion. It is mentioned as an external software, used in a waterfall approach with its own intermediate digital format. In the specific case of Audiveris V5 (still in beta version unfortunately), the software will be open source and the digital format will be open as well, so that any other music software can take advantage of OMR specific information. Typically, Audiveris data boils down to symbol "interpretations" (Inter for short), each Inter providing a symbol shape, the underlying glyph (and thus its precise location in source image), and its contextual grade (the confidence in this interpretation, taking the surrounding Inters into account). We can have conflicting interpretations of course. In terms of use-cases, I noticed MC3 (printed sheets converted to digital with help of OMR), MP2 (especially for the proof-reading aspect), and MP16. But interaction with OMR is never addressed as such. One use-case could be built around a user interface focused on validation/correction with strict fidelity to the initial image (i.e. an OMR-focused UI). User attention should be called on questionable symbols whenever possible, or on detected errors (such as a too long voice in a measure). Thinking of an OMR web-based service, we could define a use-case of "collaborative OMR", whereby user manual validation and correction actions are linked back to the OMR data, allowing incremental improvement of the OMR engine. Beginning of 2015, I wrote a short description of two potential student projects that are loosely related to the above use-cases: - https://kenai.com/projects/audiveris/pages/V5UI <https://kenai.com/projects/audiveris/pages/V5UI> - https://kenai.com/projects/audiveris/pages/V5Feedback <https://kenai.com/projects/audiveris/pages/V5Feedback> So please tell me if these use-cases would be relevant enough for the Music Notation community, and if so, how we could include them in your document. Bye, /Hervé -- Hervé Bitteur www.audiveris.com <http://www.audiveris.com/> www.audiveris.com <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=emailclient> Garanti sans virus. www.avast.com <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=emailclient>
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Received on Thursday, 7 April 2016 20:55:36 UTC