Re: A working MusicXML engraver?

I'm developing an open source library (BSD 2-clause) for rendering and
editing scores and documents with scores ( It imports MusicXML files but the
MusicXML importer and the library are not yet fully developed and only
deals with basic scores. Could be a starting point. At this moment I'm
finishing some scripts for "automated visual regression" tests. They will
upload to my website the rendered images resulting from running all my test
suite, as well as spotting differences from expected results. By the end of
this week all this will be available in the website and you could see,
visually, the development status of the library and the currently supported
notation elements. This library could be a starting point if you are
interested. I do not have any commercial interest on it.

Cecilio Salmeron

2015-11-30 8:22 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Froment <>:

> You could try MuseScore
> It's available on Linux (but also on mac and windows), it's GPLv2.
> Nicolas
> 2015-11-30 9:12 GMT+04:00 L Peter Deutsch <>:
>> In addition to a specification for MusicXML, it would be really nice to
>> have
>> a reasonably good engraver, preferably free / Open Source.
>> I am working on software to convert between mup and MusicXML.  The
>> software
>> produces MusicXML output that seems unquestionably valid to me.  The
>> engravers I have available to test it on are Finale 2012 and Sibelius 6.1
>> --
>> the leading commercial score editors / engravers -- but their MusicXML
>> importers are broken in simple, obvious ways.  In a very simple test file:
>> * Finale 2012 garbled the handling of margins, and mis-handled an
>>   octave-displaced clef.
>> * Sibelius 6.1 garbled the handling of margins (in a different way than
>>   Finale), mis-handled an octave-displaced clef and an octave-displaced
>>   part, and misinterpreted a parenthesized accidental (omitted the parens
>>   and moved it to a different note).
>> Assuming that this group continues to work with MusicXML, I would like to
>> suggest that in addition to producing a reasonably specifiable design, a
>> good specification, a converter, and a validator, a successful outcome
>> should include an Open Source engraver of reasonable quality and at least
>> an
>> attempt at an engraver test suite.  I realize that all this will take
>> quite
>> a lot of effort, may be some distance in the future, and is probably best
>> viewed as "How can we facilitate / support someone doing these things"
>> rather than "How can we do them"....
>> Meanwhile, if anyone knows of a MusicXML engraver that runs on Linux,
>> handles all reasonably common constructs, and works reliably, whether
>> free /
>> Open Source or not, please contact me (privately, if you wish).
>>                         Thanks -
>>                                                 L Peter Deutsch

Received on Monday, 30 November 2015 11:55:13 UTC