Re: Use Cases

Christina, yes, my suggestion is to decouple the learning process from
being a student (whose main activity is learning), since professionals also
learn, for example by practice. Note that I chose the term Learner, because
it is more general than practising, it could also include research,
listening and maybe other activities. Having said all this, if we only
create more confusion rather than clarity by introducing a new role, maybe
it's best not to.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM, Joe Berkovitz <> wrote:

> Hi Christina,
> To listen at a slower tempo than written so that a tricky portion of the
>> music can be mastered.
> To view annotations made while practicing or contributed from a conductor
>> I have added the above two cases just now.
>> To annotate the music to indicate tricky spots, breath marks, etc.
> To assess their current performance against the score
>> To quickly find pieces to play (when taking requests during a live
>> performance, for example)
>> I believe we've captured the above cases already (although perhaps
> without using the term "Practicer" -- but I think the use cases already
> call out practice-specific needs.)
> Perhaps we will want to look at the value Practicer/Performer distinction
> more as we go on. At the moment I think of practice as something that a
> Performer does, not a different kind of person or a different role.
> ...Joe


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