[smufl] Define cut-outs for notehead characters

dspreadbury has just created a new issue for 

== Define cut-outs for notehead characters ==
SMuFL provides a mechanism to define cut-outs from all four corners of
 the bounding rectangles of various ranges of characters, in 
particular for accidentals.

It would also be useful to extend this mechanism to characters in the 
various noteheads ranges, because oval noteheads tend to be rotated in
 such a way that the tight bounding rectangle that describes them has 
quite large empty areas at the top-left (NW) and bottom-right (SE) 

As such, the proposal is that SMuFL fonts should optionally be able to
 define `cutOutNW` and `cutOutSE` anchors for characters in the 
noteheads range, for those consuming applications that can make use of

See https://github.com/w3c/smufl/issues/36

Received on Friday, 13 November 2015 11:30:30 UTC