Proposed CG agenda changes



We strongly support the proposed agenda.


The short-term goals are very good and it would be great to see them
incorporated in a v3.1.


Concerning long-term goals:

--Better formatting support is crucial; and tricky/controversial, as
reflected in the exchanges on this list. Even today, the XML produced by
(e.g.) Sibelius comes short of employing even the existing, limited
formatting support, so there's also a need to encourage the vendors. We will
try to do our part in this regard.

--I'm embarrassed to say I didn't know that MusicXML doesn't currently
support DOM manipulation, and I'm glad you mentioned it in the proposed
agenda because I was about to launch into such an attempt. Support for DOM
would be so much better than the more basic XML
search/edit/insert/delete/replace tools we're relying on now.


Martin Marris

Notecraft Services LLC


Received on Thursday, 12 November 2015 09:07:42 UTC