Re: The MusicXML-challenge

> 1)      If we make big(ger) changes to the standard, we might make it a
> requirement that conversion (with maybe some loss of detail) is possible
> between the old and new standard. The advantage is obvious: it gives
> import/export functionality with older tools that have been abandoned by
> their writers. A reference conversion tool might be part of the standard?
In my view it would make sense to try for a reference conversion. It may be
difficult since some constructs like "voice" are hard to nail down 100% in
the current standard, as applications are free to treat this in so many
different ways.

> Sloppiness both from notation program developers and engravers/composers
> is in my view the main problem for MusicXML. Tightening the standard to
> improve that is – for me – a use case by itself.
Yes, it absolutely is as use case -- or use cases -- and I have no doubt
that we (the community group) will include them!


Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 14:58:00 UTC