[All] preparing move of ITS 2.0 to 99%-final (proposed recommendation) - "last chance" to make changes

Hi all,

here are the open actions and issues for ITS 2.0

The issues can all be closed and I will do that adding the resolutions 
to tracker. The actions should be done this week.

Here is the current draft
and here the draft before the Dublin f2f editing session
see also this html diff between the two

We want to vote during next week's call for transition to "proposed 
recommendation". This means:
- The draft is 100% complete. We will not take public comments or 
working group comments into account anymore
- During a 4 weeks period the W3C member representatives (AC) need to 
express their support for the standard to be published finally. If you 
have changes you need to talk to your AC rep to get them don.
- Then, ITS 2.0 will be published as recommendation :)

Esp. the people who could not make it to the f2f: please look at the draft
esp. sec 1-2 as soon as possible and let us know if you have any issues 
with publishing as proposed recommendation.



Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 21:17:50 UTC