Fixes for ITS 2.0 conformance section

Hi all,

the conformance section
needs some fixes.

1) "1-4: If the span element is used, it SHOULD be declared as an inline 
1-4 needs to be 1-3.

2) "2-3: If an application claims to process ITS markup implementing the 
conformance clauses 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3, it MUST process that markup with 
XML documents."
Change "2-1, 2-2 and 2-3" "to "2-1 and 2-2"

3) We need
"3-4: After processing ITS information on the basis of conformance 
clauses 3-1 and 3-2, an application MAY convert an HTML5 document to 
NIF, using the algorithm described in Section 5.7: Conversion to NIF."
In the " Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in 
HTML" section to cover NIF processing.

4) "4.4 Conformance Class for HTML5+ITS documents":
give clause a number

5) General: check that each conformance clause has an xml:id attribute, 
so that we can point people to it.

If nobody disagrees I will file an issue for the record and make the 
changes by Thursday.



Received on Monday, 10 June 2013 06:00:49 UTC