Re: [dissemination] ITS presentation at LocWorld

Hi Tatiana

On 04/06/2013 12:30, Tatiana Gornostay wrote:
> Dear Dave,
> Thank you for sharing your presentation! It looks good!
> Just a very quick feedback:
> Slide 10: => (please correct the typo in the URL)

thanks, good catch! Tadej, that need fixing in your original slides also.

> Slide 10 & 11: Enrycher is not about terminology but about named entities. Maybe, you'd like to use the "Text Analytics" ellipsoid instead of the "Terminology" one? ;)
True, but I was trying to keep these usage scenarios fairly simple, high 
level and relevant to the LocWorld audience as a simple breakdown of the 
scope addressed by ITS, rather than the full oval which more useful for 
fine grained technical presentations such as we did in Rome and Luxembourg.

So I'd prefer to keep the 'terminology' classification but present it as 
an example of named entity recognition that could input into terminology 
and translation management.


> I will take a closer look later,
> With best wishes,
> Tatiana
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Lewis []
> Sent: otrdiena, 2013. gada 4. jūnijā 13:18
> To: Multilingual Web LT Public List
> Subject: [dissemination] ITS presentation at LocWorld
> Apologies, this was too big for the email list (thanks Felix) , now available at;
> comments welcome, especially if you have a better slide for your particular implementation - some of them are ugly pdf grabs.
> cheers,
> Dave
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've 'mined' some of your Rome/Luxembourg material to pull together
>>> the attached ITS2.0 overview presentation I'm giving at LocWorld in
>>> London next week.
>>> Your comments and suggestions for any improvements would be very
>>> welcome. You'll see its focussed on use cases and implementations
>>> rather than technical details. It will be part of a session including
>>> David and Yves also, see:
>>> kind regards,
>>> Dave

Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 09:19:45 UTC