Re: NIF Validator

Hi Sebastian,

thanks a lot for the validator, that is very helpful. Putting Jirka into 
CC because of the git issue: Jirka, didn't you have a similar problem 
with github for the HTML / XML validation testing? How did you solve it?



Am 08.07.13 12:53, schrieb Sebastian Hellmann:
> Hi all,
> since there seems to be line ending problem in the GitHub repo:
> I made a repackaged version of the validator (with better log output 
> as well):
> Which works simply like this:
> #help:
> java -jar validate.jar -h
> #validate
> java -jar validate.jar -i 
> ../outputimplementors/tcd/locqualityissue-nif-9.ttl
> However, there seem to be problems to submit java, so I am not sure, 
> if this will work for everybody:
> git add validate.jar
> warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in 
> its2.0/nif-conversion/sparqltests/validate.jar.
> The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
> All the best,
> Sebastian

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 23:56:46 UTC