RE: ISSUE-118: HTML ITS default behaviour - starting point, ACTION-452

> For the withinTextRule I would add everything which 
> HTML5 declares as Phrasing content [1].
> This would add to your list: area, audio, bdi, br, button, canvas,
> command, datalist, embed, iframe, input, keygen, label, map, mark,
> math, meter, noscript, object, output, progress, ruby, script,
> select, svg, textarea, time, video, wbr

Good point.
feel free to update the wiki :)

> Maybe even Flow content [2] which also includes ul, ol, li and h*.
> This is complicated because, what is the starting point for the 
> text? If you choose div, then everything allowed in a div 
> should be in here, which is also a div.

Not too warm about those. I think they are usually better when processed as not-within-text
But maybe there are pople with more input on that.

> What about a rulyRule for the ruby element?
> <its:rubyRule selector="//h:ruby">

Okapi doesn't support Ruby, so we didn't have one.

> What about a domainRule which points to the meta keywords 
> or dcterms.subject?
> <its:domainRule selector="/h:html/h:body"  
> domainPointer="/h:html/h:head/h:meta[@name='dcterms.subject' or @name='keywords']/@content" />

There has been discussion on this several time.
I'm still not sure what we decided as the BP.

> I'm not sure about the following translateRule:
>  <its:translateRule selector="//h:del" translate="no"/>
>  <its:translateRule selector="//h:del/descendant-or-self::*/@*" translate="no"/>
> Why this shoudln't be translated? The text has be deleted, but if 
> it is still there, it was intended and should be translated in my mind.

I think it really depends on what you do with the content.
In general localization is done after changes have been applied, so we don't see such tag deleted often. It's true they could need to be translated. but in general I would expect deleted text to be ignored by MT and translators: each word cost to translate: you want to avoid translating too much.

Thanks for getting the ball rolling.

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 17:08:16 UTC