Re: Comments on posters and new template + ITS elipse (Re: Updated validation poster (Was: Re: [Minutes] MLW-LT call 2013-02-20, plus doodle for luxembourg prep call))

Hi Yves, all,

Am 21.02.13 20:44, schrieb Yves Savourel:
> Hi Felix, Dave, all,
>> One feedback from me: Marcis & all, can you also use
>> the elipse with ITS in the centre, created by Dave? See
> Just to be sure: what are we suppose to do with that oval?

Put it on the poster and, that's all, that is: b).

> (I also missed a lot of the discussion at Wednesday call because of the really bad audio: sorry if I missed the info)

Yes, sorry for the bad connectivity, my fault. Next time I'll use a 
different connection.

> a) Change it completely to match our process and the data categories we are using?
> Or b) keep it the same and somehow try to associate the different slices to our process?
> b) would result in something that probably doesn't make much sense

Well, as Dave said: one role of the poster is to be input for reviewers 
- even broad guidance helps them a lot, since we can't expect that they 
follow our work closely. And it helps them to see that we *try* to 
create a relation between our usage scenarios.

So if you (and others) think we shouldn't use it, we can drop it. But we 
then need to be prepared that a reviewer will search for broad (and of 
course not totatlly clear, I agree) guidance - and will find nothing. 
But whatever we decide: either everybody should use it or nobody.



Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 19:55:33 UTC