Re: [All] proposed wiki content changes, please review by 14 February

Hi Felix,
All sounds good to me, specific comments below

> 4) Move content of
> to a related BP document page - which one?

I set up an additional one for this, I've further material to add here, 
but I've copied this existing content across for now so this page can go

> 13) Use
> in BP document?
Yes, this would be a good example for the ITS-XLIFF mapping BP. Its also 
one we are trying to implement for the Rome showcase. If you leave it 
there, I'll make a link from XLIFF mapping page. I'll need to discuss 
how we structure this with David and Yves.

> 16) Use
> in a BP?

Need to discuss how best to present this with Pedro. Pedro, should we 
have a readiness best practice page?

> 19) What to do about
> ?

This is the seed of some useful work, and could provide some useful 
extensio to the PROV model for external localsiation proveance in RDF. 
Can we keep it while we think how best to roll this into some practical BP.

> 25) Delete
> not needed?

yes, those can go, they are recorded in the requirements document

> 26) What to do about
> ?

can go, represented in requirements doc
> 27) What to do about
> ?

I've dropped this into the PROV BP, so we can remove this page. Phil and 
I met to discuss actually implementing this, so we'll build out for this.

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2013 00:58:37 UTC