[ACTION-262] Two issues

Hi all,

In working with Pedro's text, I realized that it actually addresses two related but distinct issues:

1. That you shouldn't use Allowed Characters to try to exclude HTML mark-up and that this data category should not be "abused" to exclude HTML content.

2. That we don't have any way to apply data categories within plain text content and that there may be ways to work around this issue.

#1 clearly belongs in Allowed Characters. I've gone ahead and added that bit (essentially an edited version of Pedro's first paragraph).

#2 is a general issue that is not specific to this category and, I think, should be placed elsewhere. This is really implementation guidance that could be quite important in setting the scope of what ITS 2.0 can and cannot do:

For content fields which allow only plain text content, the current ITS 2.0 data categories can by applied only globally, and not with local attributes. This issue should be addressed in another way external to the ITS 2.0 standard. While prescribing methods to address this issue is beyond the scope of this specification, one possible way would be to allow markup in fields where possible and, where allowing HTML is not possible, to use an extra field that allows HTML input and then create a plain text version from that input for use where needed.

I see why they were connected in what Pedro did, but I believe they need to be separated.

Any suggestion where the second bit should go?


On 2012 Nov 6, at 18:34 , Pedro L. Díez Orzas <pedro.diez@linguaserve.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I send you the text. If you agree, you can close the action 262.
> «Allowed characters is not intended to disallow HTML markup. The purpose is to restrict the content to various characters only, like when the content is used for URL or filename generation. In most of the Web-Content-Management-Systems content is divided into several fields. Some fields are restricted to plain text, while in other fields HTML fragments are allowed.
> For fields which only allow plain text, the current ITS 2.0 data categories can only applied globally and not with local attributes. This issue should be addressed in another way, apart from the ITS 2.0 standard. One way would be to allow HTML in these fields if possible, or using an extra field which allows HTML input and save the plain text of this extra field in the plain text field.»
> All the best,
> Pedro

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2012 09:31:51 UTC