ACTION-292 - check global rules for LQI

Hi all,

I had the action item to check the examples for global notation for Localization Quality issue:

-- Example

I think this is not the best way to annotate a content, especially since there is the possibility to use standoff markup.
The example is technically valid, but IMO does not show a best practice.

-- Example:

This eemonstrates the use of pointers. The example is technically fine. 
However, except for locQualityIssuesRefPointer (not illustrated here), I doubt there are many formats that would have the exact same semantics for the different localization quality issue information.
Consequently, I'm not sure this notation will be used often.

-- Example :

Like for the first example, I think with the availability of the standoff markup there is not real need to use a global rule to annotate a content, even in HTML5. This notation could be replaced by a its-loc-quality-issues-ref pointing to a standoff element.

=== Conclusion:

The Localization Quality issue data category should have a global rule. 
But that rule could be reduced to something a lot simpler:

- A required selector attribute. It contains an absolute selector which selects the nodes to which this rule applies.
- A required locQualityIssuesRefPointer attribute. It contains a relative selector pointing to a node with a value that is an IRI pointing to the locQualityIssues element containing the list of issues related to the selected content.


Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 17:17:08 UTC