Resolution proposal for ISSUE-2

Hi all,

after discussing with Ivan Herman (Semantic Web Activity) and Mike Smith
(HTML Working Group), I propose the following resolution for ISSUE-2.

1) We define prefixed attributes, following Jirka’s proposal in this mail


<span its-term="yes" translate="no" its-locNote="foo">...</span>

The prefix "its" needs to be decided.

2) We define mappings of these attributes to  RDFa and microdata.

RDFa example:

<span typeof="its:Term" >

        <meta property="its:translate" content="false"
datatype="xsd:boolean"  />

        <meta property="its:locNote" content="foo" />

                       <span property="its:value">bar</span>


Microdata example:

<span itemscope itemtype="">

                       <meta itemprop="" content="false"/>

                       <meta itemprop="


                       <span itemprop="


Underlying RDF model for both microdata and RDFa:

[] a its:Term;

    its:locNote "foo";

    its:translate false;

    its:value "bar" .

JSON for Microdata:

{ "items": [ {

      "type": [ "" ],

      "properties": {

        "": [ "false" ],

        "": [ "foo" ],

        "": [ "bar" ]


  } ]


The mappings from 1) to 2) can be defined as a mapping table or maybe even
as an algorithm.

Solution 1) will be user friendly, and we will define an RELAX NG schema
HTML5+ITS (or + XYZ). The same approach has been taken for Aria in the
accessibility space, and Aria is now even part of the HTML5 core language.

Comments are very welcome. I hope we can agree on during next week's call
and find a volunteer for maintaining the schema and another one for the

Regarding the "URIs for element nodes in HTML5" discussion: Ivan said that
our group should consider whether this is really an issue. Anyway, if we
take the approach mentioned above, the "URIs for element nodes in HTML5"
will not influence 1), only the mappings.



Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2012 12:10:14 UTC