Re: [ACTION-153] related to [ISSUE-15] targetPointer

Hi Yves,

2012/7/10 Yves Savourel <>

> Hi Felix, all,
> >> - 4.2 (XLIFF Round-tripping) I think that is DavidF right?
> >
> > David is planning to wrap the Okapi functionality in
> > his tool - not sure how we should / can count that.
> Come to think of it, "4.10 (XLIFF deep web training exporter)" may be
> another case of Okapi use. M4Loc uses Tikal which uses the okapi libraries.
> Interesting question. Maybe if the library is used by different
> applications each application can count as an "implementation" because it
> demonstrate multiple usages?

You are right, we just have to sell it the right way ...


> -ys

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 08:49:59 UTC