RV: Provenance test suite files

Maybe my last mail didn't reach the list, I resend it with all the files
inside a zip file just in case.





Hi all,


I have made some changes for provenance (see files attached), the changes

1)      On provenance2html.html I removed the link element and embedded the
rules into the HTML code, the output has slight changes.

2)      On provenance3html.html and provenance4html.html I added some case
variations on the attributes, this doesn't change the output whatsoever.

3)      On provenance5html.html I just made a slight modification on the
texts, this doesn't change the output whatsoever.


The new test files provenance6html.html and provenance7html.html, are
examples with the standoff information inside external files and they are
based on Yves' for LQI, I made one with an XML external file and another one
with an HTML external file, maybe the latter is not completely correct.


I can update them myself on the github, but I'm not sure I have enough
privileges to do so.


I believe that this covers all the issues of the rfc 2119 list, but I'm not
quite sure.


Oh and by the way, if you notice some typo or error, please correct it.





Great! thank you Leroy, I'll have the examples next week, Wednesday or






Hey Pablo,


I agree with you Pablo.I can get together with David Lewis and we can try
come up with some more example on this to help improve this categories
tests. Thanks for the feedback on this category.




On 20 December 2012 09:59, Pablo Nieto Caride <pablo.nieto@linguaserve.com>

> I think you are thinking of stand-off markup. That is for Provenance and
LQI. BTW: stand-off could be internal (same file as the content) or external
(reference pointing to another file where the stand-off data is). I think we
tests only for internal. And, to make things more fun: when it's external
the format > could be either HTML or XML (regardless of the format of the
file where the content is)...

Hi Yves, all,

I have series of doubts regarding the provenance implementation and the
stand-off markup:

1) The GLOBAL definition says:
A provenanceRecordsRefPointer attribute that contains a relative selector
pointing to a node containing a list of provenance records.
The global rule does not apply to HTML as local markup is provided for
direct annotation in HTML.

What does this last sentence exactly mean? That in HTML embedded rules for
this data category are not permitted? I think I don't understand it, whereas
in the LQI definition says "The attribute locQualityIssuesRefPointer does
not apply to HTML as local markup is provided for direct annotation in HTML"
in provenance says "the global rule...", I think it would be clearer or at
least less confusing if it was "The attribute provenanceRecordsRefPointer
does not apply to HTML as local markup is provided for direct annotation in
HTML" but I'm not exactly sure if it's the same case.

2) As for the stand-off and what Yves states I'll try to make up examples
for Provenance with either HTML or XML containing the records of the
stand-off but I'm thinking of it and I don't see it easy.



Received on Friday, 28 December 2012 15:14:58 UTC