[All] people you are contacting for last call comments

Hi all,

just for the people who were not on the call: we are now starting to 
gather people to contact for the last call draft, to be published on 
Thursday. Please send the names of people you will contact to Arle, 
Nieves (nieves.sande@dfki.de) and I by Wednesday end of business day. We 
will then make sure that there is no overlap.

I'd like to especially ask the following people to send lists of names:
- Arle
- Christian
- Clemens
- Dave
- David
- Des
- Jan
- Jirka
- Jörg
- Pedro
- Phil
- Shaun
- Tadej
- Yves (already done, thanks!)

Thanks a lot for your help in advance,


Received on Monday, 3 December 2012 18:04:33 UTC