Test Suite XSLT Error

I'm trying to run the test suite XSLT with Saxon-HE 9 using
the saxon command line:

saxaon -xsl:testsuiteDashboard.xsl testsuiteMaster.xml

I get this error:

Error at xsl:number on line 264 column 74 of testsuiteDashboard.xsl:
  XTSE0340: XSLT Pattern syntax error at char 0 on line 264 in {.}:
    Unexpected token in pattern, found "."
Failed to compile stylesheet. 1 error detected.

Line 264 is this:

<xsl:number count="."/>

I believe this is incorrect. The "count" attribute is supposed
to take a pattern, not a full expression, i.e. only the stuff
you can put in the "match" attribute of xsl:template.

Also, insofar as this can be parsed by a human brain, I don't
see how it could ever be anything other than "1".

Has nobody else encountered this? Am I missing something?


Received on Monday, 4 February 2013 21:49:39 UTC