Re: LocQualityIssue - Missing Javascript?

Hi Karl,

Am 25.04.13 17:33, schrieb Karl Fritsche:
> Hi all,
> in inputdata/locwaulityissue/html/locqualityissue7html.html is a 
> javascript (qaissues) embedded. Does this have any meaning or could 
> this be removed

This can be removed. It comes from the spec, see
and isn't needed in the test suite.



> , because this file doesn't exists and with it the function 
> addqaissueattrs.
> Testframework gave me an error there, so just wanted to inform you. 
> But if this is not needed, I think we should remove it.
> Cheers
> Karl

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2013 15:49:29 UTC