Re: Test suite output format

Hey Shaun,

On 10 September 2012 15:09, Shaun McCance <> wrote:

> On Wed, 2012-09-05 at 16:51 +0100, Leroy Finn wrote:
> > Here is a small sample of the tab delimited output for translate.
> Thanks Leroy. A couple questions:
> Why does every line start with eight spaces and end with a tab?
That was a style thing I was doing with the XSLT but i have changed my mind
on that I will not be tab centring the output from now on and I will update
translate output translate to reflect this.

> I'm having a hard time figuring out when I'm supposed to output
> namespace declarations. For example, for translate1, xmlns:cml
> is declared in the XML on /myMetaDoc, but it appears spuriously
> in the text file on some nodes.
> Do we even need to show the namespaces in the test output? We
> already don't show it for the its prefix. If you can parse the
> documents and evaluate the XPath expressions for the ITS rules
> to get the correct results, I think we can just assume you did
> the namespaces right.

I think i have update this based on Yves suggestion.


> --
> Shaun

Received on Monday, 10 September 2012 14:24:33 UTC