Re: Provenance issues

Thanks for the link Yves. I will make the updates to all the data
categories based on this.


On 28 November 2012 11:59, Yves Savourel <> wrote:

> Hi Leroy,
> Yes, we've been updating the specification yesterday.
> To get the *latest* changes you IMO should really look at the Editor's
> Draft rather than the published draft.
> For example, Provenance is here:
> cheers,
> -yves
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jirka Kosek []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:25 AM
> To: Leroy Finn
> Cc: Multilingual Web LT-TESTS Public; Yves Savourel
> Subject: Re: Provenance issues
> On 28.11.2012 11:21, Leroy Finn wrote:
> > Hey JIrka,
> >
> > I will be doing this update today. I assume all the updates are
> > located here
> > . If not could you point me towards the correct draft.
> I think that Yves volunteered to make those changes. I'm not sure if they
> are already done. Yves, could you please clarify for Lorey? Thanks.
>                                 Jirka
> --
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Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 12:10:10 UTC