
Hi Leroy,

Default locNoteType
The LocalizationNote html output still has all the default locNoteType="description" on each element. Can we remove those to be consistent with the xml?

7 of the input rule files has <its:locNote> that contains <code>{0}</code>  elements. I'm not 100 % but I think elements are not allowed inside locNote according to the schema. I think only text or other <its:....> elements are allowed.

A note about space in locNot:
One consideration is whitespace inside <its:locNote> especially in (external) global rules. For inline html its-loc-notes whitespace should be neutralized. But for the remaining cases I'm assuming you can use xml:space to control space preservation in the note (in html an external settings file for html file with xml:space). Just an observation, it looks correct so far.


Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 21:56:51 UTC