Re: Test Suit Specs - Default Values

Hi Fredrik, all,

2012/11/7 Fredrik Liden <>

> For all test cases, should we display default values on every
> element/attribute or is that polluting the testoutputfile?

For example in test files:

> *Locale1htmloutput.txt*
> *locale2htmloutput.txt*
> ** **
> Currently only the elements and attributes that have been specifically
> targeted display a *localeFilterList*  value. Wondering if the remaining
> elements should display *localeFilterList="*"*
> * *
> *Btw, for locnote9xmloutput.txt.*
> */html/body[1]/div[1]/@id     its-locale-filter="en-CA,
> fr-CA"              *
> */html/body[1]/div[1]/p[1]     its-locale-filter="en-CA,
> fr-CA"              *
> * *
> *I think it should be*****
> */html/body[1]/div[1]/@id     localeFilterList  ="en-CA,
> fr-CA"             *
> */html/body[1]/div[1]/p[1]     localeFilterList  ="en-CA,
> fr-CA"             *
> ** **
> In example:****
> *locnote8xmloutput.txt*
> *locnote9xmloutput.txt*
> ** **
> I’m wondering if the default its:locNoteType="description" should be
> displayed.****
> ** **
> Current input****
> <body its:locNote="The variable {0} is the name of the host.">****
> ** **
> Current output****
> /Res/body[1]     its:locNote="The variable {0} is the name of the host."
> ****
> ** **
> Should it be:****
> /Res/body[1]     its:locNote="The variable {0} is the name of the host."
> its:locNoteType="description"    (and displayed for child elements as well)
> ****
> ** **
> These are specific examples but I’m asking in general. It might be useful
> in some cases to see the defaults to make sure the inheritance [Y/N] and
> overriding is working correctly.

Yes, it would be useful IMO. Here is what we did that for the ITS 1.0 test
suite, see

 Without the inherited values, one would not see that elements like


are translatable.  Coming back to the "we don't care where the information
is coming from" discussion: if we drop both outputType="default-value"
(what we already do) and translate="yes", the test suite consuming parser
doesn't know whether the test suite file producer has done the right thing
with regards to the nodes in question.



> ** **
> Sorry if the example is another that is currently being updated. I’ll let
> you get to work now Leroy and wait for the final files. J****
> ** **
> Fredrik****

Felix Sasaki
DFKI / W3C Fellow

Received on Thursday, 8 November 2012 04:51:45 UTC