- From: Dominic Jones <Dominic.Jones@scss.tcd.ie>
- Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 17:28:33 +0100
- To: Multilingual Web LT-TESTS Public <public-multilingualweb-lt-tests@w3.org>
Dear Members, An update on today's session regarding test-suite implementation: 1) A webinar on the test suite will take place on Tuesday the 4th of December at 14.30 GMT, this will be recorded for future use. Find your local time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MLW-LT+Test+Suite+Webinar&iso=20121204T1430&p1=78 2) For generating output (for comparison to gold standard) examples will be provided in Java, Perl, PHP, JavaScript and .NET. 3) The website currently used for test files will be made (temporarily) redundant while we move to using a combination of Google Docs and gitHub. The website will be updated once we are closing to implementation conformance. Users will be directed to the google doc / git hub repository. Website: http://phaedrus.scss.tcd.ie/its2.0/its-testsuite.html (to be retired, users directed to below spreadsheet / GitHub account). Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgIk0-aoSKOadG5HQmJDT2EybWVvVC1VbnF5alN2S3c GitHub: https://github.com/finnle/ITS-2.0-Testsuite (email leroy with your GitHub username to be allowed to commit). 4) Data Categories have been identified (in the google doc) as either Feature with Implementation Commitments (green) or Feature at Risk (orange). 5) No prefix (its:*) will be used across any of the gold standard output, output will be alphabetically ordered. 6) In the New Year, Dom will work on outreach documentation for using the test-suite. Example parsers and output style sheets will be provided for public use. Key Dates: 4th December 2012, Webinar on Test Suite conformance / usage. 20th December 2012, Implementors partially run test-suite files. 31st January 2013, Implementers fully run test-suite files. Important to remember that the webinar will explain exactly how conformance against the test suite is achieved. Implementors will then take input files, parse them using their own implemenation, output using standardised techniques and finally check for conformance against the gold standard. Bug fixing will take place where implemntors output and the gold standard do not match. Please do not hesitate to contact me before the 4th of December if you have any questions / input into the process. Thanks. Dom. Apologies for the long mail!
Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 16:29:00 UTC