MT Confidence

Hi Leroy, all,

There were a few issue with MT confidence.

I've committed the changes in the input files and attached the expected output files.

Here are the issues I've found:

1-- Several file were using mtConfidenceScore and its-mt-confidence-score instead of mtConfidence and its-mt-confidence-score as in the specification.

2-- Several files had output with attribute nodes that were missing the annotatorsRef values. (That value applies to elements and attributes). The output values were also wrong in several cases. The result of annotatorsRef must be the aggregation of all the references for all data categories. So, for example, in the span[1] node of mtconfidence4html.html it should be annotatorsRef="disambiguation|file:///tools.xml#T2 mt-confidence|file:///tools.xml#T1" (the annotator for disambiguation is inherited from p).

3-- mtconfidence2html.html had a confidence set on the p element, but no annotatorsRef.

4-- mtconfidence3html.html had extra its-annotators-ref in the output.

5-- mtconfidence4html.html had a title text that didn't reflect what the test was doing. I've changed it to avoid confusion.

6-- mtconfidence1xml.xml, mtconfidence2xml.xml, mtconfidence5xml.xml and mtconfidence6xml.xml had their outputs with the attributes id and its:annotatorsRef in the wrong order.

7-- mtconfidence3xml.xml had the attribute its:version missing in its output.


Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 12:57:57 UTC