Test Suite update

Dear All,

I will be have created the test files for the following data categories and
should be publishing them on the test suite web page (located here
http://phaedrus.scss.tcd.ie/its2.0/its-testsuite.html) by Monday evening.
The data categorises that will be added by Monday evening (27th August) are
as follows:

   - Disambiguation(not finalised in draft yet according to yesterdays call)
   - Target Pointer
   - Id value
   - Preserve space

Next week I will be working on the following data categories:

   - Localization Quality Issue
   - Localization Quality Précis

Again any helpful pointers or mistakes found test suite page would be much
appreciated. Any questions on the test suite or any problems just ask me.


Leroy Finn

Received on Friday, 24 August 2012 15:15:53 UTC