CVS WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/TR-version

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--- /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/TR-version/Overview.html	2013/06/24 17:47:59	1.94
+++ /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/TR-version/Overview.html	2013/06/26 05:01:21	1.95
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
             data models in RDF.</p><p>The following two examples provide more details about the distinction between the local
             and global approach, using the <a href="#trans-datacat">Translate</a> data
             category as an example.</p><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection-local" id="basic-concepts-selection-local"></a>2.2.1 Local Approach</h4><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-1">Example 3</a> shows how a content author can use the ITS <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute to indicate that all content inside the <code>author</code> element is not intended for translation (i.e. has to be left untranslated). Translation tools that are aware of the meaning of the attribute can protect the relevant content from being translated (possibly still allowing translators to see the protected content as context information).</p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EX-basic-concepts-1" id="EX-basic-concepts-1"></a>Example 3: ITS markup on elements in an XML document (local approach) </div><div class="exampleInner"><pre><strong clas="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;article</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">" /docbook"</span>
+<h4><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection-local" id="basic-concepts-selection-local"></a>2.2.1 Local Approach</h4><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-1">Example 3</a> shows how a content author can use the ITS <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute to indicate that all content inside the <code>author</code> element is not intended for translation (i.e. has to be left untranslated). Translation tools that are aware of the meaning of the attribute can protect the relevant content from being translated (possibly still allowing translators to see the protected content as context information).</p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EX-basic-concepts-1" id="EX-basic-concepts-1"></a>Example 3: ITS markup on elements in an XML document (local approach) </div><div class="exampleInner"><pre><strong clas="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;article</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">""</span>
          <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns:its</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">""</span>
          <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">its:version</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"2.0"</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">version</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"5.0"</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xml:lang</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"en"</span><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&gt;</strong>
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;info&gt;</strong>
@@ -3190,23 +3190,23 @@
               examples:</p><ul><li><p>Verify during translation if a string fits into a fixed-size database
                 field.</p></li><li><p>Control the size of a string that is stored in a fixed-size memory buffer at
                 run-time.</p></li></ul><p>The storage size is always expressed in bytes and excludes any leading
-              Byte-Order-Markers. It is provided along with the character set encoding and the line
+              Byte-Order-Markers. It is provided along with the character encoding and the line
               break type that will be used when the content is stored. If the encoding form does not
               use the byte as its unit (e.g. UTF-16 uses 16-bit code units) the storage size <a href="#rfc-keywords">MUST</a> still be given in byte (e.g., for UTF-16: 2 bytes
               per 16-bit code unit). </p><p>An application verifying the storage size for a given content is expected to perform the following steps:</p><ul><li><p>All the LINE FEED (U+000A) characters of the content to verify are replaced by the character or characters 
-                specified by the line break type.</p></li><li><p>The resulting string is converted to an array of bytes using a character set encoder for the specified 
+                specified by the line break type.</p></li><li><p>The resulting string is converted to an array of bytes using a character encoder for the specified 
                 encoding. If a character cannot be represented with the specified encoding, an error is generated.</p></li><li><p>If the leading bytes represent a Byte-Order-Mark, they are stripped from that array.</p></li><li><p>The length of the resulting array is compared to the storage size provided. The content is 
                 too long if the length is greater than the storage size.</p></li></ul><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p>Storage size is not directly related to the display length of a text, and therefore is not intended as a display length constraint 
                 mechanism.</p></div></div><div class="div3">
 <h4><a href="#contents"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="storagesize-implementation" id="storagesize-implementation"></a>8.20.2 Implementation</h4><p>The <a href="#storagesize">Storage Size</a> data category can be expressed with
               global rules, or locally on individual elements. There is no inheritance. The default
-              value of the character set encoding is "UTF-8", and the default value for the 
+              value of the character encoding is "UTF-8", and the default value for the 
               line break is "lf" (LINE FEED (U+000A)).</p><p id="storagesize-global">GLOBAL: The <code class="its-elem-markup">storageSizeRule</code> element contains the
               following:</p><ul><li><p>A required <code class="its-attr-markup">selector</code> attribute. It contains an <a href="#selectors">absolute
                     selector</a> that selects the nodes to which this rule applies.</p></li><li><p>Exactly one of the following:</p><ul><li><p>A <code class="its-attr-markup">storageSize</code> attribute. It contains the maximum number of
                       bytes the text of the selected node is allowed in storage.</p></li><li><p>A <code class="its-attr-markup">storageSizePointer</code> attribute that contains a <a href="#selectors">relative selector</a> pointing to a node with the
                       exact same semantics as <code class="its-attr-markup">storageSize</code>.</p></li></ul></li><li><p>None or exactly one of the following:</p><ul><li><p>A <code class="its-attr-markup">storageEncoding</code> attribute. It contains the name of the
-                      character set encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text.
+                      character encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text.
                       The name <a href="#rfc-keywords">MUST</a> be one of the names or aliases
                       listed in the <a href="">IANA Character Sets registry</a>
                               <a title="Character Sets" href="#ianacharsets">[IANA Character Sets]</a>. The default value is the string "UTF-8".</p></li><li><p>A <code class="its-attr-markup">storageEncodingPointer</code> attribute that contains a <a href="#selectors">relative selector</a> pointing to a node with the
@@ -3243,7 +3243,7 @@
 <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/fields&gt;</strong></pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/xml/EX-storageSize-global-2.xml">examples/xml/EX-storageSize-global-2.xml</a>]</p></div><p id="storagesize-local">LOCAL: the following local markup is available for the
                 <a href="#storagesize">Storage Size</a> data category:</p><ul><li><p>A <code class="its-attr-markup">storageSize</code> attribute. It contains the maximum number of bytes
                   the text of the selected node is allowed in storage.</p></li><li><p>An optional <code class="its-attr-markup">storageEncoding</code> attribute. It contains the name of the
-                  character set encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text. The
+                  character encoding used to calculate the number of bytes of the selected text. The
                   name <a href="#rfc-keywords">MUST</a> be one of the names or aliases listed
                   in the <a href="">IANA Character
                     Sets registry</a>
@@ -3454,8 +3454,7 @@
                   </td><td>S or T</td><td>Legally inappropriate material is to be classified as <code>legal</code>.</td></tr><tr><td>
                   </td><td>Text violates norms for the intended locale.</td><td>
-                     <ul><li><p>A text localized into German has dates in YYYY-MM-DD format instead of in
-                  DD.MM.YYYY.</p></li><li><p>A text for the Irish market uses American-style foot and inch measurements
+                     <ul><li><p>A text localized into German has dates in <code>mm/dd/yyyy</code> format instead of <code>DD.MM.YYYY</code>.</p></li><li><p>A text for the Irish market uses American-style foot and inch measurements
                   instead of centimeters.</p></li><li><p>A text intended for a U.S.-based audience uses U.K. spellings such as “centre”
                   and “colour.”</p></li></ul>
                   </td><td>S or T</td><td>This value can be used for spelling errors only if they relate specifically to
@@ -6027,7 +6026,7 @@
             to <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-local">Section 5.2.2: Local Selection in an XML Document</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added definition of <code class="its-elem-markup">param</code> element to <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-global">Section 5.2.1: Global, Rule-based Selection</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#target-pointer">Section 8.13: Target Pointer</a>.</p></li><li><p>Original Ruby markup model changed to HTML5 Ruby model.</p></li><li><p>Updated references.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#preservespace">Section 8.15: Preserve Space</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#lqissue">Section 8.16: Localization Quality Issue</a> and the related <a class="section-ref" href="#lqissue-typevalues">Appendix C: Values for the Localization Quality Issue Type</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#lqrating">Section 8.17: Localization Quality Rating</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added a placeholder <a class="section-ref" hre="#mtconfidence">Section 8.18: MT Confidence</a>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20120626">The following log records major changes that have been
           made to this document since the <a href="">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 26 June 2012</a>:</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Various editorial changes (non-normative references update, style &amp; grammar
             fixes).</p></li><li><p>Made clarifications about what is out of scope of ITS 2.0 and about design decisions.</p></li><li><p>Added explanatory note on precedence and overriding in <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-precedence">Section 5.5: Precedence between Selections</a>.</p></li><li><p>Reordered some components in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Restructured description of relation to ITS 1.0 and new principles in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#queryLanguage">Section 5.3.1: Choosing Query Language</a> as a stub.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#LocaleFilter">Section 8.10: Locale Filter</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#domain">Section 8.8: Domain</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#usage-in-legacy-html">Section 2.5.5: Version of HTML</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added local markup in a class="section-ref" href="#elements-within-text">Section 8.7: Elements Within Text</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#externalresource">Section 8.12: External Resource</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated examples to use the <code class="its-attr-markup">version</code> attribute with the value
-              <code>2.0</code>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20070403">The following log records major changes that have been
+    <code>2.0</code>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20070403">The following log records major changes that have been
           made to this document between the <a href="">ITS 1.0 Recommendation</a> and
           this document:</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Clarified <a href="#introduction">introduction</a> to cover ITS 2.0</p></li><li><p>Added a subsection on the relation to ITS 1.0 to the introduction.</p></li><li><p>Created HTML based declarations for various data categories, see e.g., HTML
             declarations for the Terminology data category and the summary for local data categories

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2013 05:01:23 UTC