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--- /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20-for-editing-sec1-sec2.html	2013/06/11 05:46:43	1.18
+++ /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20-for-editing-sec1-sec2.html	2013/06/11 08:26:03	1.19
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 <div class="toc2">1.4 <a href="#high-level-differences-between-1.0-and-2.0" shape="rect">High-level differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0</a></div>
 <div class="toc2">1.5 <a href="#extended-implementation-hints" shape="rect">Extended implementation hints</a></div>
-<div class="toc1">2 <a href="#basic-concepts" shape="rect">Basic Concepts</a><div class="toc2">2.1 <a href="#basic-concepts-selection" shape="rect">Selection</a><div class="toc3">2.1.1 <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect">Local Approach</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">2.1.2 <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">Global Approach</a></div>
+<div class="toc1">2 <a href="#basic-concepts" shape="rect">Basic Concepts</a><div class="toc2">2.1 <a href="#basic-concepts-datacategories" shape="rect">Data Categories</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.2 <a href="#basic-concepts-selection" shape="rect">Selection</a><div class="toc3">2.2.1 <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect">Local Approach</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">2.2.2 <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">Global Approach</a></div>
-<div class="toc2">2.2 <a href="#basic-concepts-overinher" shape="rect">Overriding, Inheritance and Defaults</a></div>
-<div class="toc2">2.3 <a href="#basic-concepts-addingpointing" shape="rect">Adding Information or Pointing to Existing Information</a></div>
-<div class="toc2">2.4 <a href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">Specific HTML support</a><div class="toc3">2.4.1 <a href="#html5-reference-global-rules" shape="rect">Referencing global rules</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">2.4.2 <a href="#html5-its-local-markup" shape="rect">Specifities of inserting local ITS 2.0 data categories</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">2.4.3 <a href="#html5-existing-markup-versus-its" shape="rect">Relation between HTML markup and ITS 2.0 data categories</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">2.4.4 <a href="#html5-standoff-markup-explanation" shape="rect">Standoff Markup in HTML5</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">2.4.5 <a href="#usage-in-legacy-html" shape="rect">Version of HTML</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.3 <a href="#basic-concepts-overinher" shape="rect">Overriding, Inheritance and Defaults</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.4 <a href="#basic-concepts-addingpointing" shape="rect">Adding Information or Pointing to Existing Information</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.5 <a href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">Specific HTML support</a><div class="toc3">2.5.1 <a href="#html5-reference-global-rules" shape="rect">Referencing global rules</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">2.5.2 <a href="#html5-its-local-markup" shape="rect">Specifities of inserting local ITS 2.0 data categories</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">2.5.3 <a href="#html5-existing-markup-versus-its" shape="rect">Relation between HTML markup and ITS 2.0 data categories</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">2.5.4 <a href="#html5-standoff-markup-explanation" shape="rect">Standoff Markup in HTML5</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">2.5.5 <a href="#usage-in-legacy-html" shape="rect">Version of HTML</a></div>
-<div class="toc2">2.5 <a href="#traceability" shape="rect">Traceability</a></div>
-<div class="toc2">2.6 <a href="#mapping-conversion" shape="rect">Mapping and conversion</a><div class="toc3">2.6.1 <a href="#mapping-NIF" shape="rect">ITS and RDF/NIF</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">2.6.2 <a href="#mapping-XLIFF" shape="rect">ITS and XLIFF</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.6 <a href="#traceability" shape="rect">Traceability</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.7 <a href="#mapping-conversion" shape="rect">Mapping and conversion</a><div class="toc3">2.7.1 <a href="#mapping-NIF" shape="rect">ITS and RDF/NIF</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">2.7.2 <a href="#mapping-XLIFF" shape="rect">ITS and XLIFF</a></div>
-<div class="toc2">2.7 <a href="#datacategories-summary" shape="rect">Summary: ITS 2.0 data categories</a></div>
-<div class="toc2">2.8 <a href="#implementing-its20" shape="rect">Implementing ITS 2.0</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.8 <a href="#datacategories-summary" shape="rect">Summary: ITS 2.0 data categories</a></div>
+<div class="toc2">2.9 <a href="#implementing-its20" shape="rect">Implementing ITS 2.0</a></div>
 <div class="toc1">3 <a href="#notation-terminology" shape="rect">Notation and Terminology</a><div class="toc2">3.1 <a href="#notation" shape="rect">Notation</a></div>
 <div class="toc2">3.2 <a href="#def-datacat" shape="rect">Data category</a></div>
@@ -59,9 +60,9 @@
 <div class="toc3">5.2.2 <a href="#selection-local" shape="rect">Local Selection in an XML Document</a></div>
 <div class="toc2">5.3 <a href="#selectors" shape="rect">Query Language of Selectors</a><div class="toc3">5.3.1 <a href="#queryLanguage" shape="rect">Choosing Query Language</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">5.3.2 <a href="#d0e2452" shape="rect">XPath 1.0</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">5.3.2 <a href="#d0e2457" shape="rect">XPath 1.0</a></div>
 <div class="toc3">5.3.3 <a href="#css-selectors" shape="rect">CSS Selectors</a></div>
-<div class="toc3">5.3.4 <a href="#d0e2697" shape="rect">Additional query languages</a></div>
+<div class="toc3">5.3.4 <a href="#d0e2702" shape="rect">Additional query languages</a></div>
 <div class="toc3">5.3.5 <a href="#its-param" shape="rect">Variables in selectors</a></div>
 <div class="toc2">5.4 <a href="#link-external-rules" shape="rect">Link to External Rules</a></div>
@@ -373,36 +374,22 @@
 <h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="usage-scenarios" id="usage-scenarios" shape="rect"/>1.3 Usage Scenarios</h3><p>The <a title="&#x2028;Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 1.0&#x2028;" href="#its10" shape="rect">[ITS 1.0]</a>
                <a href="" shape="rect">introduction</a> states: “ITS is a technology to easily create XML which is internationalized and can be localized effectively”.  In order to make this tangible, ITS 1.0 provided examples for <a href="" shape="rect">users and usages</a>. Implicitly, these examples carried the information that ITS covers two areas: one that is related to the static dimension of mono-lingual content, and one that is related to the dynamic dimension of multi-lingual production.</p><ul><li><p>Static mono-lingual (the area for example of content authors): This part of the content has the directionality “right-to-left”.</p></li><li><p>Dynamic multi-lingual: (the area for example of machine translation systems): This part of the content must not be translated.</p></li></ul><p>Although ITS 1.0 made no assumptions about possible phases in a multilingual production process chai, it was slanted towards a simple three phase “write-&gt;internationalize-&gt;translate” model. Even a birds-eye-view at ITS 2.0 shows that ITS 2.0 explicitly targets a much more comprehensive model for multi-lingual content production. The model comprises support for multi-lingual content production phases such as:</p><ul><li><p>Internationalization</p></li><li><p>Pre-production (e.g. related to marking terminology)</p></li><li><p>Automated content enrichment (e.g. automatic hyperlinking for entities)</p></li><li><p>Extraction/filtering of translation-relevant content</p></li><li><p>Segmentation</p></li><li><p>Leveraging (e.g. of existing translation-related assets such as translation memories)</p></li><li><p>Machine Translation (e.g. geared towards a specific domain)</p></li><li><p>Quality assessment or control of source language or target language content</p></li><li><p>Generation of translation kits (e.g. packages based on XLIFF)</p></li><li><p>Post-production</p></li><li><p>Publishing</p></li></ul>p>The document <a title="Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations " href="#mlw-metadata-us-impl" shape="rect">[MLW US IMPL]</a> lists a large variety of usage scenarios for ITS 2.0. Most of them are composed of several of the aforementioned phases.</p><p>In a similar vein, ITS 2.0 takes a much more comprehensive view on the actors that may participate in a multi-lingual content production process. ITS 1.0 annotations (e.g. local markup for the <a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a> data category) most of the time were conceived as being closely tied to human actors such as content authors or information architects. ITS 2.0 raises non-human actors such as word processors/editors, content management systems, machine translation systems, term candidate generators, entity identifiers/disambiguators to the same level. This change amongst others is reflected by the ITS 2.0 <a href="#its-tool-annotation" shape="rect">Tool Annotation</a> which allows systems to record tha they have processed as certain part of content.</p></div><div class="div2">
 <h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="high-level-differences-between-1.0-and-2.0" id="high-level-differences-between-1.0-and-2.0" shape="rect"/>1.4 High-level differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0</h3><p>The differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0 can be summarized as follows.</p><p>
-               <em>Coverage of <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>: </em>ITS 1.0 can be applied to XML content. ITS 2.0 extends the coverage to <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>. Explanatory details about ITS 2.0 and <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a> are given in <a class="section-ref" href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">Section 2.4: Specific HTML support</a>.</p><p>
-               <em>Addition of data categories</em>: ITS 2.0 provides additional data categories and modifies existing ones. A summary of all ITS 2.0 data categories are given in <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategories-summary" shape="rect">Section 2.7: Summary: ITS 2.0 data categories</a>.</p><p>
+               <em>Coverage of <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>: </em>ITS 1.0 can be applied to XML content. ITS 2.0 extends the coverage to <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>. Explanatory details about ITS 2.0 and <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a> are given in <a class="section-ref" href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">Section 2.5: Specific HTML support</a>.</p><p>
+               <em>Addition of data categories</em>: ITS 2.0 provides additional data categories and modifies existing ones. A summary of all ITS 2.0 data categories are given in <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategories-summary" shape="rect">Section 2.8: Summary: ITS 2.0 data categories</a>.</p><p>
                <em>Modification of data categories</em>:</p><ul><li><p id="ruby-in-its2">ITS 1.0 provided the <a href="" shape="rect">Ruby data category</a>. ITS 2.0 does not provide ruby since at the time of writing, because of the the <a href="" shape="rect">ruby model in HTML5</a> was still under development. Once these discussions are settled, the Ruby data category possibly will be re-introduced, in a subsequent version of ITS.</p></li><li><p>The <a href="#directionality" shape="rect">Directionality</a> data category reflects directionality markup in <a title="HTML 4.01" href="#html4" shape="rect">[HTML 4.01]</a>. The reason is that enhancements are being discussed in the context of HTML5 that are expected to change the approach to marking up directionality, in particular to support content whose directionality needs to be isolated from that of surrounding content. However, hese enhancements are not finalized yet. They will be reflected in a future revision of ITS.</p></li></ul><p>
-               <em>Additional or modified mechanisms:</em> The following mechanisms from ITS 1.0 have been modified  or added to ITS 2.0.</p><ul><li><p id="query-language-on-rules-element">ITS 1.0 used only XPath as the mechanism for selecting nodes in <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global rules</a>. ITS 2.0 allows for choosing the <a href="#selectors" shape="rect">query language of selectors</a>. The default is XPath 1.0. An ITS 2.0 processor is free to support other selection mechanisms, like CSS selectors or other versions of XPath.</p></li><li><p id="parameters-in-selector">In global rules it is now possible to set <a href="#its-param" shape="rect">variables for the selectors</a> (XPath expression). The <code class="its-elem-markup">param</code> element serves this purpose.</p></li><li><p>ITS 2.0 has a <a href="#its-tool-annotation" shape="rect">ITS Tools Annotation</a> mechanism to associate processor information with the use of individual data categories. See <a class="sectio-ref" href="#traceability" shape="rect">Section 2.5: Traceability</a> for details.</p></li></ul><p>
-               <em>Mappings:</em> ITS 2.0 provides a normative algorithm to convert ITS 2.0 information into <a title="" href="#nif-reference" shape="rect">[NIF]</a> and links to guidance about how to relate ITS 2.0 to XLIFF. See <a class="section-ref" href="#mapping-conversion" shape="rect">Section 2.6: Mapping and conversion</a> for details.</p><p>
+               <em>Additional or modified mechanisms:</em> The following mechanisms from ITS 1.0 have been modified  or added to ITS 2.0.</p><ul><li><p id="query-language-on-rules-element">ITS 1.0 used only XPath as the mechanism for selecting nodes in <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global rules</a>. ITS 2.0 allows for choosing the <a href="#selectors" shape="rect">query language of selectors</a>. The default is XPath 1.0. An ITS 2.0 processor is free to support other selection mechanisms, like CSS selectors or other versions of XPath.</p></li><li><p id="parameters-in-selector">In global rules it is now possible to set <a href="#its-param" shape="rect">variables for the selectors</a> (XPath expression). The <code class="its-elem-markup">param</code> element serves this purpose.</p></li><li><p>ITS 2.0 has a <a href="#its-tool-annotation" shape="rect">ITS Tools Annotation</a> mechanism to associate processor information with the use of individual data categories. See <a class="sectio-ref" href="#traceability" shape="rect">Section 2.6: Traceability</a> for details.</p></li></ul><p>
+               <em>Mappings:</em> ITS 2.0 provides a normative algorithm to convert ITS 2.0 information into <a title="" href="#nif-reference" shape="rect">[NIF]</a> and links to guidance about how to relate ITS 2.0 to XLIFF. See <a class="section-ref" href="#mapping-conversion" shape="rect">Section 2.7: Mapping and conversion</a> for details.</p><p>
                <em>Changes to the conformance section</em>: The <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance" shape="rect">Section 4: Conformance</a> tells implementers how to implement ITS. For ITS 2.0, the conformance statements related to Ruby have been removed, and a conformance clause related to processing <a title="" href="#nif-reference" shape="rect">[NIF]</a> has been added. For <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>, a dedicated conformance section has been created. Finally, a conformance clause related to Non-ITS elements and attributes has been added.</p></div><div class="div2">
 <h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="extended-implementation-hints" id="extended-implementation-hints" shape="rect"/>1.5 Extended implementation hints</h3><p id="unicode-normalization">As a general guidance, implementations of ITS 2.0 should use a <a href="" shape="rect">normalizing transcoder</a>. It converts from a legacy encoding to a Unicode encoding form and ensures that the result is in Unicode Normalization Form C. Further information on the topic of Unicode normalization is provided in <a title="Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Normalization" href="#charmod-norm" shape="rect">[Charmod Norm]</a>.</p></div></div><div class="div1">
 <h2><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts" id="basic-concepts" shape="rect"/>2 Basic Concepts</h2><p>
             <em>This section is informative.</em>
-         </p><p>The purpose of this section is to provide basic knowledge about how ITS 2.0 “works”. The underlying formal definitions are given in the subsequent sections.</p><p>A key concept of ITS is the abstract notion of <a href="#def-datacat" shape="rect">data categories</a>. Data categories define the information that can be conveyed via ITS. An example is the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category. It conveys information about translatability of conent.</p><p>
-            <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategory-description" shape="rect">Section 8: Description of Data Categories</a> provides the definition of data categories. It also provides their implementation, that is: ways to use the data categories. The motivation for separating data category definition from their implementation is to allow for flexibility: data categories can be implemented </p><ul><li><p>in various types of content (XML in general or <a href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">HTML</a>).</p></li><li><p>for a single piece of markup, e.g. a <code>p</code> element. This is the so-called <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect">local approach</a>.</p></li><li><p>for several pieces of markup in one or a set of documents. This is the so-called <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global approach</a>.</p></li><li><p>For a complete markup vocabulary by adding <a href="#its-schemas" shape="rect">ITS markup declarations</a> to the underlying schema.</p></li></l><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection" id="basic-concepts-selection" shape="rect"/>2.1 Selection</h3><p>Information (e.g. "translate this") captured by ITS data categories (e.g.
-              “translate this piece of content”) always pertains to one or more XML or HTML nodes,
-            primarily element and attribute nodes. In
-            a sense, ITS “selects” the relevant node(s). Selection may be explicit or
-            implicit. ITS distinguishes two approaches to selection: (1) local, and (2) using global
-            rules.</p><p>The mechanisms defined for ITS selection resemble those defined in <a title="Cascading Style Sheets,&#xA;                level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification" href="#css2-1" shape="rect">[CSS 2.1]</a>. The local approach can be compared to the
-              <code>style</code> attribute in HTML/XHTML, and the approach with global rules is
-            similar to the <code>style</code> element in HTML/XHTML. ITS usually uses XPath for
-            identifying nodes although CSS Selectors and other query languages can be used if
-            supported by the application.</p><ul><li><p>the local approach puts ITS markup in the relevant element of the markup host vocabulary
-              (e.g. the <code>author</code> element in DocBook)</p></li><li><p>the <a href="#selection-global" shape="rect">rule-based, global approach</a> puts the ITS
-              markup in elements defined by ITS itself (namely the <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element)</p></li></ul><p>ITS markup can be used with XML documents (e.g. a DocBook article), HTML documents, or schemas (e.g. an
-            XML Schema document for a proprietary document format).</p><p>The following two examples sketch the distinction between the local and global
-            approaches, using the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category as one example.</p><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection-local" id="basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect"/>2.1.1 Local Approach</h4><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-1" shape="rect">Example 3</a> shows how a content
-              author may use the ITS <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute to indicate that
-              all content inside the <code>author</code> element should be protected from
-              translation. Translation tools that are aware of the meaning of this attribute can
-              then screen the relevant content from the translation process.</p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EX-basic-concepts-1" id="EX-basic-concepts-1" shape="rect"/>Example 3: ITS markup on elements in an XML document (local approach) </div><div class="exampleInner"><pre xml:space="preserve"><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;article</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">" /docbook"</span>
+         </p><p>The purpose of this section is to provide basic knowledge about how ITS 2.0 “works”. Detailed knowledge (including formal definitions) is given in the subsequent sections.</p><div class="div2">
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-datacategories" id="basic-concepts-datacategories" shape="rect"/>2.1 Data Categories</h3><p>A key concept of ITS is the abstract notion of <a href="#def-datacat" shape="rect">data categories</a>. Data categories define the information that can be conveyed via ITS. An example is the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category. It conveys information about translatability of content.</p><p>
+               <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategory-description" shape="rect">Section 8: Description of Data Categories</a> defines data categories. It also describes their implementation, that is: ways to use them for example in an XML context. The motivation for separating data category definitions from their implementation is that only this way the reality can be reflected since data categories can be implemented</p><ul><li><p>In various types of content (XML in general or <a href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">HTML</a>).</p></li><li><p>For a single piece of content, e.g. a <code>p</code> element. This is the so-called <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect">local approach</a>.</p></li><li><p>for several pieces of content in one document or even a set of documents. This is the so-called <a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global approach</a>.</p></li><li><p>For a complete markup vocabulary. This is done by adding <a href="#its-schemas" shape="rect">ITS makup declarations</a> to the schema for the vocabulary.</p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection" id="basic-concepts-selection" shape="rect"/>2.2 Selection</h3><p>Information (e.g. “translate this”) captured by an ITS data category always pertains to one or more XML or HTML nodes, primarily element and attribute nodes. In a sense, the relevant node(s) get “selected”. Selection may be explicit or implicit. ITS distinguishes two mechanisms for explicit selection: (1) local approach, and (2) global approach (via <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code>). Both local and global approach can interact with each other, and with additional ITS dimensions such as inheritance and defaults.</p><p>The mechanisms defined for ITS selection resemble those defined in <a title="Cascading Style Sheets,&#xA;                level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification" href="#css2-1" shape="rect">[CSS 21]</a>. The local approach can be compared to the
+            <code>style</code> attribute in HTML/XHTML, and the global approach is similar to the <code>style</code> element in HTML/XHTML.</p><ul><li><p>the local approach puts ITS markup in the relevant element of the host vocabulary (e.g. the <code>author</code> element in DocBook)</p></li><li><p>the global, <a href="#selection-global" shape="rect">rule-based approach</a> puts the ITS
+              markup in elements defined by ITS itself (namely the <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element)</p></li></ul><p>ITS usually uses XPath in rules for identifying nodes although CSS Selectors and other query languages can in addition be implemented by applications.</p><p>ITS 2.0 can be used with XML documents (e.g. a DocBook article), HTML documents, or schemas (e.g. an XML Schema document for a proprietary document format).</p><p>The following two examples provide more details about the distinction between the local and global approach, using the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category as example.</p><div class="div3">
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection-local" id="basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect"/>2.2.1 Local Approach</h4><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-1" shape="rect">Example 3</a> shows how a content author may use the ITS <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute to indicate that all content inside the <code>author</code> element should be protected from translation (i.e. must not be translated). Translation tools that are aware of the meaning of the attribute can protect the relevant content from being translated (possibly still allowing translators to see the protected content as context information).</p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EX-basic-concepts-1" id="EX-basic-concepts-1" shape="rect"/>Example 3: ITS markup on elements in an XML document (local approach) </iv><div class="exampleInner"><pre xml:space="preserve"><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;article</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">" /docbook"</span>
          <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns:its</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">""</span>
          <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">its:version</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"2.0"</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">version</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"5.0"</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xml:lang</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"en"</span><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&gt;</strong>
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;info&gt;</strong>
@@ -419,25 +406,10 @@
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/info&gt;</strong>
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;para&gt;</strong>This is a short article.<strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/para&gt;</strong>
 <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/article&gt;</strong>
-</pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-1.xml" shape="rect">examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-1.xml</a>]</p></div><p>For this example to work for a whole markup vocabulary, the schema developer will need to add the <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute to the schema as a common attribute or on all the
-              relevant element definitions. Note how there is an expectation in this case that
-              <a href="#basic-concepts-overinher" shape="rect">inheritance</a> plays a part in identifying which content does have to be translated and
-              which does not. Tools that process this content for translation will need to implement
-              the expected inheritance.</p><p id="local-approach-not-applicable-to-attributes">For XML content, the local approach cannot be applied on a particular attribute. 
-              It can be applied for the content of the current element and all its inherited nodes as described in <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategories-defaults-etc" shape="rect">Section 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance and Overriding of Data Categories</a>. For the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category used in <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>, this is different, see the explanation of the <a href="#translate-in-html5" shape="rect">HTML5 definition of Translate</a>.</p></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection-global" id="basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect"/>2.1.2 Global Approach</h4><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-2" shape="rect">Example 4</a> shows a different
-              approach to identifying non-translatable content, similar to that used with a
-                <code>style</code> element in <a title="XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible&#xA;                HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)" href="#xhtml10" shape="rect">[XHTML 1.0]</a>, but using an
-              ITS-defined element called <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code>. It works as follows: A document can contain
-              a <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element (placed where it does not impact the structure of the
-              document, e.g., in a “head” section). It contains one or more ITS rule elements (for
-              example <code class="its-elem-markup">translateRule</code>). Each of these specific elements contains a
-                <code class="its-attr-markup">selector</code> attribute. As its name suggests, this attribute selects the node
-              or nodes to which a corresponding ITS information pertains. The values of ITS selector
-              attributes are XPath absolute location paths (or CSS Selectors if <a href="#queryLanguage" shape="rect">queryLanguage</a> is set to "css"). Via the <a href="#its-param" shape="rect">param</a> element 
-              variables can be provided and then be used in the selectors.</p><p>Information for the
-              handling of namespaces in XPath expressions is taken from namespace declarations
-                <a title="Namespaces in XML&#xA;                (Second Edition)" href="#xmlns" shape="rect">[XML Names]</a> at the current rule element.</p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EX-basic-concepts-2" id="EX-basic-concepts-2" shape="rect"/>Example 4: ITS global markup in an XML document (rule-based approach) </div><div class="exampleInner"><pre xml:space="preserve"><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;myTopic</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">""</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">id</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"topic01"</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xml:lang</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"en-us"</span><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&gt;</strong>
+</pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-1.xml" shape="rect">examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-1.xml</a>]</p></div><p>For the local approach (and <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-1" shape="rect">Example 3</a>) to work for a whole markup vocabulary, a schema developer would need to add the <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute to the schema as a common attribute or on all the relevant element definitions. The example indicates that <a href="#basic-concepts-overinher" shape="rect">inheritance</a> plays a part in identifying which content does have to be translated and which does not: Although only the <code>author</code> element is marked as “do not translate”, its descendants (<code>personname</code>, <code>firstname</code>, <code>surname</code>) are considered to be implicitly marked as well. Tools that process this content for translation need to implement the expected inheritance.</p><p id="local-approach-not-applicable-to-attributes">For XML content, the local pproach cannot be applied to a particular attribute. If ITS needs to be applied to a particular attribute, the global approach has to be used. The local approach applies to content of the current element and all its inherited nodes as described in <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategories-defaults-etc" shape="rect">Section 8.1: Position, Defaults, Inheritance and Overriding of Data Categories</a>. For the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category used in <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>, this is different, see the explanation of the <a href="#translate-in-html5" shape="rect">HTML5 definition of Translate</a>.</p></div><div class="div3">
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-selection-global" id="basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect"/>2.2.2 Global Approach</h4><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-2" shape="rect">Example 4</a> shows a different approach to identifying non-translatable content, similar to that used with a <code>style</code> element in <a title="XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible&#xA;                HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)" href="#xhtml10" shape="rect">[XHTML 1.0]</a>, but using an ITS-defined element called <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code>. It works as follows: A document can contain a <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element (placed where it does not impact the structure of the document, e.g., in a “head” section, or even outside of the document itself). The <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> elemnt contains one or more ITS children/rule elements (for example <code class="its-elem-markup">translateRule</code>). Each of these children elements contains a <code class="its-attr-markup">selector</code> attribute. As its name suggests, this attribute selects the node or nodes to which the corresponding ITS information pertains. The values of ITS <code class="its-attr-markup">selector</code> attributes are XPath absolute location paths (or CSS Selectors if queryLanguage is set to "css"). Via the <code class="its-elem-markup">param</code> element variables can be provided and used in selectors.
+            </p><p>Information for the handling of namespaces in XPath expressions is taken from namespace declarations
+                <a title="Namespaces in XML&#xA;                (Second Edition)" href="#xmlns" shape="rect">[XML Names]</a> in the current rule element.</p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EX-basic-concepts-2" id="EX-basic-concepts-2" shape="rect"/>Example 4: ITS global markup in an XML document (rule-based approach) </div><div class="exampleInner"><pre xml:space="preserve"><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;myTopic</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">""</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">id</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"topic01"</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xml:lang</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"en-us"</span><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&gt;</strong>
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;prolog&gt;</strong>
     <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;title&gt;</strong>Using ITS<strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/title&gt;</strong>
     <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;its:rules</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">xmlns:its</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">""</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">version</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"2.0"</span><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&gt;</strong>
@@ -450,27 +422,15 @@
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/body&gt;</strong>
 <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/myTopic&gt;</strong>
-</pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-2.xml" shape="rect">examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-2.xml</a>]</p></div><p>For this approach to work, the schema developer needs to add the <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code>
-              element and associated markup to the schema. In some cases global rules may be
-              sufficient to allow the schema developer to avoid adding other ITS markup (such as an
-                <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute) to the elements and attributes in the
-              schema. However, it is likely that authors will want to use attributes on markup from
-              time to time to override the general rule.</p><p>For specification of the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category
-              information, the contents of the <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element would normally be designed by
-              an information architect familiar with the document format and familiar with, or
-              working with someone familiar with, the needs of the localization group.</p><p>The global, rule-based approach has the following benefits:</p><ul><li><p>Content authors do not have to concern themselves with creating additional
+</pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-2.xml" shape="rect">examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-2.xml</a>]</p></div><p>For the global approach (and <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-2" shape="rect">Example 4</a>) to work, a schema developer may  need to add a <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element and associated markup to the schema. In some cases, global rules may be sufficient and other ITS markup (such as an <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute on the elements and attributes) may not be needed in the schema. However, it is likely that authors may need the local approach from time to time to override the general rule.</p><p>For specification of the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category information, the contents of the <code class="its-elem-markup">translateRule</code> element would normally be designed by an information architect familiar with the document format and familiar with, or working with someone familiar with, the nees of the localization/translation group.</p><p>The global, rule-based approach has the following benefits:</p><ul><li><p>Content authors do not have to concern themselves with creating additional
                 markup or verifying that the markup was applied correctly. ITS data categories are
                 associated with sets of nodes (for example all <code>p</code> elements in an XML
                 instance)</p></li><li><p>Changes can be made in a single location, rather than by searching and modifying
                 local markup throughout a document (or documents, if the <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element is
-                stored as an external entity)</p></li><li><p>ITS data categories can designate attribute values as well as elements.</p></li><li><p>It is possible to associate ITS markup with existing markup (for example the
+                stored as an external entity)</p></li><li><p>ITS data categories can designate attribute values (as well as elements)</p></li><li><p>It is possible to associate ITS markup with existing markup (for example the
                   <code>term</code> element in DITA)</p></li></ul><p>The commonality in both examples above is the markup <code>translate='no'</code>.
-              This piece of ITS markup can be interpreted as follows:</p><ul><li><p>it pertains to the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category </p></li><li><p>the attribute <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> holds a value of "no"</p></li></ul><p>The ITS <code class="its-attr-markup">selector</code> attribute allows:</p><ul><li><p>ITS data category attributes to appear in global rules (even outside of an XML or HTML
-                document or schema)</p></li><li><p>ITS data categories attributes to pertain to sets of document nodes (for example all
-                  <code>p</code> elements in an XML document)</p></li><li><p>ITS markup to pertain to attributes</p></li><li><p>ITS markup to <a href="#associating-its-with-existing-markup" shape="rect"> associate
-                  with existing markup</a> (for example the <code>term</code> element in
-                DITA)</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-overinher" id="basic-concepts-overinher" shape="rect"/>2.2 Overriding, Inheritance and Defaults</h3><p>The power of the ITS selection mechanisms comes at a price: rules related to <a href="#selection-precedence" shape="rect">overriding/precedence</a>, and <a href="#datacategories-defaults-etc" shape="rect">inheritance</a>, have to be established.</p><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-3" shape="rect">Example 5</a> shows how inheritance
+              This piece of ITS markup can be interpreted as follows:</p><ul><li><p>it pertains to the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category </p></li><li><p>the attribute <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> holds a value of "no"</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="div2">
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-overinher" id="basic-concepts-overinher" shape="rect"/>2.3 Overriding, Inheritance and Defaults</h3><p>The power of the ITS selection mechanisms comes at a price: rules related to <a href="#selection-precedence" shape="rect">overriding/precedence</a>, and <a href="#datacategories-defaults-etc" shape="rect">inheritance</a>, have to be established.</p><p>The document in <a href="#EX-basic-concepts-3" shape="rect">Example 5</a> shows how inheritance
             and overriding work for the <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category.
             By default elements are translatable. Here, the <code class="its-elem-markup">translateRule</code> element declared
             in the header overrides the default for the <code>head</code> element inside
@@ -498,8 +458,8 @@
     <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/div&gt;</strong>
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/body&gt;</strong>
 <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/text&gt;</strong>
-</pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-3.xml" shape="rect">examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-3.xml</a>]</p></div><p>For XML content, <a href="#datacategories-overview" shape="rect">data category specific defaults</a> are provided. These are independent of the actual XML markup vocabulary. For <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>, several HTML5 elements and attributes map exactly to ITS 2.0 data categories. Hence, that HTML markup is normatively interpreted as ITS 2.0 data category information: See <a class="section-ref" href="#html5-existing-markup-versus-its" shape="rect">Section 2.4.3: Relation between HTML markup and ITS 2.0 data categories</a> for more information.</p></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-addingpointing" id="basic-concepts-addingpointing" shape="rect"/>2.3 Adding Information or Pointing to Existing Information</h3><p>For some data categories, special attributes add or point to information about the
+</pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-3.xml" shape="rect">examples/xml/EX-basic-concepts-3.xml</a>]</p></div><p>For XML content, <a href="#datacategories-overview" shape="rect">data category specific defaults</a> are provided. These are independent of the actual XML markup vocabulary. For <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>, several HTML5 elements and attributes map exactly to ITS 2.0 data categories. Hence, that HTML markup is normatively interpreted as ITS 2.0 data category information: See <a class="section-ref" href="#html5-existing-markup-versus-its" shape="rect">Section 2.5.3: Relation between HTML markup and ITS 2.0 data categories</a> for more information.</p></div><div class="div2">
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="basic-concepts-addingpointing" id="basic-concepts-addingpointing" shape="rect"/>2.4 Adding Information or Pointing to Existing Information</h3><p>For some data categories, special attributes add or point to information about the
             selected nodes. For example, the <a href="#locNote-datacat" shape="rect">Localization Note</a>
             data category can add information to selected nodes (using a <code class="its-elem-markup">locNote</code> element),
             or point to existing information elsewhere in the document (using a
@@ -507,8 +467,8 @@
             data categories allow to point to existing information or to add information.</p><p>The functionalities of adding information and pointing to existing information are
               <em>mutually exclusive</em>. That is to say, attributes for pointing and adding
             the same information must not appear at the same rule element.</p></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="specific-HTML-support" id="specific-HTML-support" shape="rect"/>2.4 Specific HTML support</h3><p>For applying ITS 2.0 data categories to HTML, five aspects must be considered:</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>referencing global rules</p></li><li><p>specifities of inserting local ITS 2.0 data categories</p></li><li><p>relationship between HTML markup and data categories,</p></li><li><p>standoff markup in HTML5</p></li><li><p>HTML version.</p></li></ol><p>In the following sections these aspects are briefly discussed.</p><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-reference-global-rules" id="html5-reference-global-rules" shape="rect"/>2.4.1 Referencing global rules</h4><p>To account for the so-called “<a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="specific-HTML-support" id="specific-HTML-support" shape="rect"/>2.5 Specific HTML support</h3><p>For applying ITS 2.0 data categories to HTML, five aspects must be considered:</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>referencing global rules</p></li><li><p>specifities of inserting local ITS 2.0 data categories</p></li><li><p>relationship between HTML markup and data categories,</p></li><li><p>standoff markup in HTML5</p></li><li><p>HTML version.</p></li></ol><p>In the following sections these aspects are briefly discussed.</p><div class="div3">
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-reference-global-rules" id="html5-reference-global-rules" shape="rect"/>2.5.1 Referencing global rules</h4><p>To account for the so-called “<a href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">global
               approach</a>” in HTML, this specification (see <a class="section-ref" href="#html5-global-rules" shape="rect">Section 6.2: Global rules</a>) defines a link type for referring to external files
               with global rules and an approach to have inline global rules in the HTML <code>script</code> element.
               It is preferred to use external global rules linked via the <code>link</code> element than to have inline global rules in the HTML document.</p><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="EX-translate-html5-global-1" id="EX-translate-html5-global-1" shape="rect"/>Example 6: Using ITS global rules in HTML</div><p>The <code>link</code> element points to the rules file
@@ -530,11 +490,11 @@
   <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;its:translateRule</strong> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">translate</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"no"</span> <span class="hl-attribute" style="color: #F5844C">selector</span>=<span class="hl-value" style="color: #993300">"//h:code"</span><strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">/&gt;</strong>
 <strong class="hl-tag" style="color: #000096">&lt;/its:rules&gt;</strong>
 </pre></div><p>[Source file: <a href="examples/html5/EX-translateRule-html5-1.xml" shape="rect">examples/html5/EX-translateRule-html5-1.xml</a>]</p></div></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-its-local-markup" id="html5-its-local-markup" shape="rect"/>2.4.2 Specifities of inserting local ITS 2.0 data categories</h4><p>In HTML, an ITS 2.0 local data category is realized with the specific prefix <code>its-*</code>. 
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-its-local-markup" id="html5-its-local-markup" shape="rect"/>2.5.2 Specifities of inserting local ITS 2.0 data categories</h4><p>In HTML, an ITS 2.0 local data category is realized with the specific prefix <code>its-*</code>. 
               The general mapping of the XML based ITS 2.0 attributes to their HTML <code>its-*</code> counterparts is defined in 
               <a class="section-ref" href="#html5-local-attributes" shape="rect">Section 6.1: Mapping of Local Data Categories to HTML</a>. An informative table in <a class="section-ref" href="#list-of-elements-and-attributes" shape="rect">Appendix G: List of ITS 2.0 Global Elements and Local Attributes</a>
               provides an overview of the mapping for all data categories.</p></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-existing-markup-versus-its" id="html5-existing-markup-versus-its" shape="rect"/>2.4.3 Relation between HTML markup and ITS 2.0 data categories</h4><p>There are four ITS 2.0 data categories, which have direct counterparts 
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-existing-markup-versus-its" id="html5-existing-markup-versus-its" shape="rect"/>2.5.3 Relation between HTML markup and ITS 2.0 data categories</h4><p>There are four ITS 2.0 data categories, which have direct counterparts 
               in HTML markup. For theses data categories, ITS 2.0 defines the following specific 
               behaviour:</p><ul><li><p>The <a href="#language-information" shape="rect">Language Information</a> data category has the HTML <code>lang</code> 
                 attribute counterpart; in XHTML this is the <code>xml:lang</code> attribute. These attributes act as 
@@ -573,21 +533,21 @@
               of ITS 2.0 are encouraged to specifiy the association of existing HTML 
               markup with a dedicated global rules file. For an example rules file see the 
               <a href="" shape="rect">XML I18N Best Practices</a> document.</p></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-standoff-markup-explanation" id="html5-standoff-markup-explanation" shape="rect"/>2.4.4 Standoff Markup in HTML5</h4><p>The <a href="#provenance" shape="rect">Provenance</a> and the <a href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Localization Quality Issue</a> data categories allow for using standoff markup. In HTML such standoff markup is put into a <code>script</code> element. The constraints for <a href="#provenance-records-in-html5-constraint" shape="rect">Provenance standoff</a> markup in HTML and <a href="#loc-quality-issues-in-html5-constraint" shape="rect">Localization quality issue</a> markup in HTML need to be taken into account. Examples of standoff markup in HTML for the two data categories are <a href="#EX-provenance-html5-local-2" shape="rect">Example 61</a> and <a href="#EX-locQualityIssue-html5-local-2" shape="rct">Example 76</a>.</p></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="usage-in-legacy-html" id="usage-in-legacy-html" shape="rect"/>2.4.5 Version of HTML</h4><p>ITS 2.0 does not define how to use ITS in HTML versions prior version 5. Users are
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="html5-standoff-markup-explanation" id="html5-standoff-markup-explanation" shape="rect"/>2.5.4 Standoff Markup in HTML5</h4><p>The <a href="#provenance" shape="rect">Provenance</a> and the <a href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Localization Quality Issue</a> data categories allow for using standoff markup. In HTML such standoff markup is put into a <code>script</code> element. The constraints for <a href="#provenance-records-in-html5-constraint" shape="rect">Provenance standoff</a> markup in HTML and <a href="#loc-quality-issues-in-html5-constraint" shape="rect">Localization quality issue</a> markup in HTML need to be taken into account. Examples of standoff markup in HTML for the two data categories are <a href="#EX-provenance-html5-local-2" shape="rect">Example 61</a> and <a href="#EX-locQualityIssue-html5-local-2" shape="rct">Example 76</a>.</p></div><div class="div3">
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="usage-in-legacy-html" id="usage-in-legacy-html" shape="rect"/>2.5.5 Version of HTML</h4><p>ITS 2.0 does not define how to use ITS in HTML versions prior version 5. Users are
               encouraged to migrate their content to HTML5 or XHTML. While it is possible to use
               <code>its-*</code> attributes introduced for <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a> in older versions of HTML (such
               as 3.2 or 4.01) and pages using these attributes will work without any problems,
               <code>its-*</code> attributes will be marked as invalid in validators.</p></div></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="traceability" id="traceability" shape="rect"/>2.5 Traceability</h3><p>The <a href="#its-tool-annotation" shape="rect">ITS Tools Annotation</a> mechanism allows to associate processor information with the use of individual data categories in a document, independently from data category annotations themselves. The mechanism associates identifiers for tools and data categories via the <code class="its-attr-markup">annotatorsRef</code> attribute (or <code class="its-attr-markup">annotators-ref</code> in <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>) and is mandatory for the <a href="#mtconfidence" shape="rect">MT Confidence</a> data category. For the <a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a> and <a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a> data categories it is mandatory if they provide confience information, that is always tool related. Nevertheless, <a href="#its-tool-annotation" shape="rect">ITS Tools Annotation</a> can be used for all data categories. <a href="#EX-its-tool-annotation-2" shape="rect">Example 23</a> demonstrates the usage including several data categories.</p></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="mapping-conversion" id="mapping-conversion" shape="rect"/>2.6 Mapping and conversion</h3><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="mapping-NIF" id="mapping-NIF" shape="rect"/>2.6.1 ITS and RDF/NIF</h4><p>ITS 2.0 defines an algorithm to convert XML or HTML documents (or their DOM
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="traceability" id="traceability" shape="rect"/>2.6 Traceability</h3><p>The <a href="#its-tool-annotation" shape="rect">ITS Tools Annotation</a> mechanism allows to associate processor information with the use of individual data categories in a document, independently from data category annotations themselves. The mechanism associates identifiers for tools and data categories via the <code class="its-attr-markup">annotatorsRef</code> attribute (or <code class="its-attr-markup">annotators-ref</code> in <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>) and is mandatory for the <a href="#mtconfidence" shape="rect">MT Confidence</a> data category. For the <a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a> and <a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a> data categories it is mandatory if they provide confience information, that is always tool related. Nevertheless, <a href="#its-tool-annotation" shape="rect">ITS Tools Annotation</a> can be used for all data categories. <a href="#EX-its-tool-annotation-2" shape="rect">Example 23</a> demonstrates the usage including several data categories.</p></div><div class="div2">
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="mapping-conversion" id="mapping-conversion" shape="rect"/>2.7 Mapping and conversion</h3><div class="div3">
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="mapping-NIF" id="mapping-NIF" shape="rect"/>2.7.1 ITS and RDF/NIF</h4><p>ITS 2.0 defines an algorithm to convert XML or HTML documents (or their DOM
         representations) that contain ITS metadata to the RDF-based format based on <a title="" href="#nif-reference" shape="rect">[NIF]</a>. NIF is an RDF/OWL-based format that aims to achieve interoperability between Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, language resources and annotations.</p><p>The conversion <a href="#conversion-to-nif" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 to NIF</a> results in RDF triples that represent the textual content of the original document as RDF typed information and the ITS annotation as properties of those nodes defined in an <a href="" shape="rect">ITS RDF vocabulary</a>.</p><p>The backconversion <a href="#nif-backconversion" shape="rect">NIF to ITS 2.0</a> is defined informatively; it exemplifies a roundtripping involving automatic enrichment of HTML documents with linked information.</p></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="mapping-XLIFF" id="mapping-XLIFF" shape="rect"/>2.6.2 ITS and XLIFF</h4><p>The XML Localization Interchange File Format <a title="XLIFF Version 1.2" href="#xliff1.2" shape="rect">[XLIFF 1.2]</a> is an OASIS standard that enables translatable source text and its translation to be passed between different tools within localisation and translation workflows. <a title="XLIFF Version 2.0" href="#xliff2.0" shape="rect">[XLIFF 2.0]</a> is the successor of <a title="XLIFF Version 1.2" href="#xliff1.2" shape="rect">[XLIFF 1.2]</a> and under development. <a title="XLIFF Version 1.2" href="#xliff1.2" shape="rect">[XLIFF 1.2]</a> has been widely implemented in translation management systems, computer supported translation tools and in utilities for extracting translatable content from source documents. The mapping between ITS andXLIFF therefore unpins several important ITS 2.0 usage scenarios <a title="Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations " href="#mlw-metadata-us-impl" shape="rect">[MLW US IMPL]</a>. These usage scenarios involve: 1) the extraction of ITS meta-data from a source language file into XLIFF; 2) the addition of ITS meta-data into an XLIFF file by translation tools; and 3) the mapping of ITS meta-data in an XLIFF file into ITS meta-data in the resulting target language files. ITS 2.0 has no normative dependency on XLIFF, however a  <a href="" shape="rect">non-normative definition of how to represent ITS 2.0 data categories in XLIFF 1.2 or XLIFF 2.0</a> is being defined within the <a href="" shape="rect">Internationalization Tag Set Interest Group</a>.</p></div></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="datacategories-summary" id="datacategories-summary" shape="rect"/>2.7 Summary: ITS 2.0 data categories</h3><p>ITS 2.0 provides the following data categories, using most of the existing ITS 1.0 data categories and adding new ones. Modifications of existing ITS 1.0 data categories are summarized in <a class="section-ref" href="#high-level-differences-between-1.0-and-2.0" shape="rect">Section 1.4: High-level differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0</a>.</p><ul><li><p><a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a>: express information about whether a selected piece of content should be translated or not.</p></li><li><p><a href="#locNote-datacat" shape="rect">Localization Note</a>: communicate notes to localizers about a particular item of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a>: mak terms and optionally associate them with information, such as definitions or references to a term data base.</p></li><li><p><a href="#directionality" shape="rect">Directionality</a>: specify the base writing direction of blocks, embeddings and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.</p></li><li><p><a href="#language-information" shape="rect">Language Information</a>: express the language of a given piece of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#elements-within-text" shape="rect">Elements Witin Text:</a> express how content of an element is related to the text flow (constitute its own segment like paragraphs, be part of a segment like emphasis marker etc).</p></li><li><p><a href="#domain" shape="rect">Domain</a>: identify the topic or subject of the annotated content for translation related applications.</p></li><li><p><a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a>: annotate content with lexical or conceptual information for the purpose of contextual disambiguation.</p></li><li><p><a href="#ocaleFilter" shape="rect">Locale Filter</a>: specify that a piece of content is only applicable to certain locales. </p></li><li><p><a href="#provenance" shape="rect">Provenance</a>: communicate the identity of agents that have been involved in the translation of the content or the revision of the translated content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#externalresource" shape="rect">External Resource</a>: indicate that a reference points to potentially translatable data in a resource outside the document. Examples of such resources are external images and audio or video files.</p></li><li><p><a href="#target-pointer" shape="rect">Target Pointer</a>: associate a given piece of source content (i.e. the content to be translated) and its corresponding target content (i.e. the source content translated into a given target language).</p></li><li><p><a href="#idvalue" shape="rect">Id Value</a>:  identify a value that can be used as unique identifier for a given part of the content.
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="mapping-XLIFF" id="mapping-XLIFF" shape="rect"/>2.7.2 ITS and XLIFF</h4><p>The XML Localization Interchange File Format <a title="XLIFF Version 1.2" href="#xliff1.2" shape="rect">[XLIFF 1.2]</a> is an OASIS standard that enables translatable source text and its translation to be passed between different tools within localisation and translation workflows. <a title="XLIFF Version 2.0" href="#xliff2.0" shape="rect">[XLIFF 2.0]</a> is the successor of <a title="XLIFF Version 1.2" href="#xliff1.2" shape="rect">[XLIFF 1.2]</a> and under development. <a title="XLIFF Version 1.2" href="#xliff1.2" shape="rect">[XLIFF 1.2]</a> has been widely implemented in translation management systems, computer supported translation tools and in utilities for extracting translatable content from source documents. The mapping between ITS andXLIFF therefore unpins several important ITS 2.0 usage scenarios <a title="Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations " href="#mlw-metadata-us-impl" shape="rect">[MLW US IMPL]</a>. These usage scenarios involve: 1) the extraction of ITS meta-data from a source language file into XLIFF; 2) the addition of ITS meta-data into an XLIFF file by translation tools; and 3) the mapping of ITS meta-data in an XLIFF file into ITS meta-data in the resulting target language files. ITS 2.0 has no normative dependency on XLIFF, however a  <a href="" shape="rect">non-normative definition of how to represent ITS 2.0 data categories in XLIFF 1.2 or XLIFF 2.0</a> is being defined within the <a href="" shape="rect">Internationalization Tag Set Interest Group</a>.</p></div></div><div class="div2">
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="datacategories-summary" id="datacategories-summary" shape="rect"/>2.8 Summary: ITS 2.0 data categories</h3><p>ITS 2.0 provides the following data categories, using most of the existing ITS 1.0 data categories and adding new ones. Modifications of existing ITS 1.0 data categories are summarized in <a class="section-ref" href="#high-level-differences-between-1.0-and-2.0" shape="rect">Section 1.4: High-level differences between ITS 1.0 and ITS 2.0</a>.</p><ul><li><p><a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a>: express information about whether a selected piece of content should be translated or not.</p></li><li><p><a href="#locNote-datacat" shape="rect">Localization Note</a>: communicate notes to localizers about a particular item of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a>: mak terms and optionally associate them with information, such as definitions or references to a term data base.</p></li><li><p><a href="#directionality" shape="rect">Directionality</a>: specify the base writing direction of blocks, embeddings and overrides for the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.</p></li><li><p><a href="#language-information" shape="rect">Language Information</a>: express the language of a given piece of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#elements-within-text" shape="rect">Elements Witin Text:</a> express how content of an element is related to the text flow (constitute its own segment like paragraphs, be part of a segment like emphasis marker etc).</p></li><li><p><a href="#domain" shape="rect">Domain</a>: identify the topic or subject of the annotated content for translation related applications.</p></li><li><p><a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a>: annotate content with lexical or conceptual information for the purpose of contextual disambiguation.</p></li><li><p><a href="#ocaleFilter" shape="rect">Locale Filter</a>: specify that a piece of content is only applicable to certain locales. </p></li><li><p><a href="#provenance" shape="rect">Provenance</a>: communicate the identity of agents that have been involved in the translation of the content or the revision of the translated content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#externalresource" shape="rect">External Resource</a>: indicate that a reference points to potentially translatable data in a resource outside the document. Examples of such resources are external images and audio or video files.</p></li><li><p><a href="#target-pointer" shape="rect">Target Pointer</a>: associate a given piece of source content (i.e. the content to be translated) and its corresponding target content (i.e. the source content translated into a given target language).</p></li><li><p><a href="#idvalue" shape="rect">Id Value</a>:  identify a value that can be used as unique identifier for a given part of the content.
             </p></li><li><p><a href="#preservespace" shape="rect">Preserve Space</a>:  indicate how whitespace should be handled in content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Localization Quality Issue</a>: describe the nature and severity of an error detected during a language-oriented quality assurance (QA) process.</p></li><li><p><a href="#lqrating" shape="rect">Localization Quality Rating</a>: express an overall measurement of the localization quality of a document or an item in a document.</p></li><li><p><a href="#mtconfidence" shape="rect">MT Confidence</a>: indicate the confidence that MT systems provide about their translation.
             </p></li><li><p><a href="#allowedchars" shape="rect">Allowed Characters</a>:  specify the characters that are permitted in a given piece of content.</p></li><li><p><a href="#storagesize" shape="rect">Storage Size</a>: specify the maximum storage size of a given content.</p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
-<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="implementing-its20" id="implementing-its20" shape="rect"/>2.8 Implementing ITS 2.0</h3><p>What does it mean to implement ITS 2.0? This specification provides several conformance clauses as the normative answer, see <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance" shape="rect">Section 4: Conformance</a>, targeted at different types of implementers.</p><ul><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-schema" shape="rect">Section 4.1: Conformance Type 1: ITS Markup Declarations</a> tell markup vocabulary developers how to add ITS 2.0 markup declarations to their schemas.</p></li><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.2: Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup</a> tell implementer how to process XML content applying ITS 2.0 data categories.</p></li><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-html-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.3: Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML</a> tell implementers how to process <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a> content.</p></li><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-class-html5-its" shape="rect">Section 4.4: Conformance Class for HTML5+ITS documents</a> tell implementers how ITS 2.0 markup is integrated into <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>.</p></li></ul><p>The conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.2: Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup</a> and <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-html-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.3: Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectatins for ITS Markup in HTML</a> make clear: what information needs to be made available for given pieces of markup then processing a dedicated ITS 2.0 data category? To allow for flexibility, an implementation can choose whether it wants to process only ITS 2.0 global or local information, or XML or HTML content. These choices are reflected in seperate conformances clauses and also in the <a href="@@@@" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 test suite</a>.</p><p>ITS 2.0 processing expectations only cover above aspect, that is: what information needs to be made available. They do not define how that information actually should be applied. This is due to the fact that there is a huge variety of usage scenarios of ITS 2.0, and a huge variety of tools for working with ITS 2.0. Each of these tools has their own way of using ITS 2.0 data categories. See <a title="Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations " href="#mlw-metadata-us-impl" shape="rect">[MLW US IMPL]</a> for more information.</p><span class=editor-note">[Ed. note: Add link to test suite]</span></div></div><div class="div1">
+<h3><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="implementing-its20" id="implementing-its20" shape="rect"/>2.9 Implementing ITS 2.0</h3><p>What does it mean to implement ITS 2.0? This specification provides several conformance clauses as the normative answer, see <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance" shape="rect">Section 4: Conformance</a>, targeted at different types of implementers.</p><ul><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-schema" shape="rect">Section 4.1: Conformance Type 1: ITS Markup Declarations</a> tell markup vocabulary developers how to add ITS 2.0 markup declarations to their schemas.</p></li><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.2: Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup</a> tell implementer how to process XML content applying ITS 2.0 data categories.</p></li><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-html-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.3: Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectations for ITS Markup in HTML</a> tell implementers how to process <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a> content.</p></li><li><p>Conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-class-html5-its" shape="rect">Section 4.4: Conformance Class for HTML5+ITS documents</a> tell implementers how ITS 2.0 markup is integrated into <a title="HTML5" href="#html5" shape="rect">[HTML5]</a>.</p></li></ul><p>The conformance clauses in <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.2: Conformance Type 2: The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup</a> and <a class="section-ref" href="#conformance-product-html-processing-expectations" shape="rect">Section 4.3: Conformance Type 3: Processing Expectatins for ITS Markup in HTML</a> make clear: what information needs to be made available for given pieces of markup then processing a dedicated ITS 2.0 data category? To allow for flexibility, an implementation can choose whether it wants to process only ITS 2.0 global or local information, or XML or HTML content. These choices are reflected in seperate conformances clauses and also in the <a href="@@@@" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 test suite</a>.</p><p>ITS 2.0 processing expectations only cover above aspect, that is: what information needs to be made available. They do not define how that information actually should be applied. This is due to the fact that there is a huge variety of usage scenarios of ITS 2.0, and a huge variety of tools for working with ITS 2.0. Each of these tools has their own way of using ITS 2.0 data categories. See <a title="Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations " href="#mlw-metadata-us-impl" shape="rect">[MLW US IMPL]</a> for more information.</p><span class=editor-note">[Ed. note: Add link to test suite]</span></div></div><div class="div1">
 <h2><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="notation-terminology" id="notation-terminology" shape="rect"/>3 Notation and Terminology</h2><p>
             <em>This section is normative.</em>
          </p><div class="div2">
@@ -608,7 +568,7 @@
               and localization of XML schemas and documents.] The concept of a data
             category is independent of its implementation in an XML and HTML environment (e.g. using
             an element or attribute).</p><p>For each data category, ITS distinguishes between the following:</p><ul><li><p>the prose description, see <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategory-description" shape="rect">Section 8: Description of Data Categories</a></p></li><li><p>schema language independent formalization, see the "implementation" subsections in
-                <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategory-description" shape="rect">Section 8: Description of Data Categories</a></p></li><li><p>schema language specific implementations, see <a class="section-ref" href="#its-schemas" shape="rect">Appendix D: Schemas for ITS</a></p></li></ul><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="d0e1541" id="d0e1541" shape="rect"/>Example 9: A data category and its implementation</div><p>The <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category conveys information as
+                <a class="section-ref" href="#datacategory-description" shape="rect">Section 8: Description of Data Categories</a></p></li><li><p>schema language specific implementations, see <a class="section-ref" href="#its-schemas" shape="rect">Appendix D: Schemas for ITS</a></p></li></ul><div class="exampleOuter"><div class="exampleHeader"><a name="d0e1546" id="d0e1546" shape="rect"/>Example 9: A data category and its implementation</div><p>The <a href="#trans-datacat" shape="rect">Translate</a> data category conveys information as
               to whether a piece of content should be translated or not.</p><p>The simplest formalization of this prose description on a schema language independent
               level is a <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code> attribute with two possible values:
                 "yes" and "no". An implementation on a schema language specific
@@ -873,9 +833,9 @@
               actual query language. The query language is set by <code class="its-attr-markup">queryLanguage</code> attribute
               on <code class="its-elem-markup">rules</code> element. If <code class="its-attr-markup">queryLanguge</code> is not specified XPath 1.0 is
               used as a default query language.</p></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="d0e2452" id="d0e2452" shape="rect"/>5.3.2 XPath 1.0</h4><p>XPath 1.0 is identified by <code>xpath</code> value in <code class="its-attr-markup">queryLanguage</code>
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="d0e2457" id="d0e2457" shape="rect"/>5.3.2 XPath 1.0</h4><p>XPath 1.0 is identified by <code>xpath</code> value in <code class="its-attr-markup">queryLanguage</code>
               attribute.</p><div class="div4">
-<h5><a name="d0e2463" id="d0e2463" shape="rect"/> Absolute selector</h5><p>The absolute selector <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MUST</a> be an XPath expression
+<h5><a name="d0e2468" id="d0e2468" shape="rect"/> Absolute selector</h5><p>The absolute selector <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MUST</a> be an XPath expression
                 which starts with "<code>/</code>". That is, it must be an <a href="" shape="rect">
                   AbsoluteLocationPath</a> or union of <a href="" shape="rect">
                   AbsoluteLocationPath</a>s as described in <a href="#xpath" shape="rect">XPath 1.0</a>.
@@ -920,14 +880,14 @@
                 implementations can be used.</p></div><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p id="css-selectors-and-attributes">CSS selectors have no ability to point to
                 attributes.</p></div><p>CSS Selectors are identified by <code>css</code> value in <code class="its-attr-markup">queryLanguage</code>
               attribute.</p><div class="div4">
-<h5><a name="d0e2674" id="d0e2674" shape="rect"/> Absolute selector</h5><p>Absolute selector <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MUST</a> be interpreted as selector
+<h5><a name="d0e2679" id="d0e2679" shape="rect"/> Absolute selector</h5><p>Absolute selector <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MUST</a> be interpreted as selector
                 as defined in <a title="Selectors Level&#xA;                3" href="#css3-selectors" shape="rect">[Selectors Level 3]</a>. Both simple selectors
                 and groups of selectors can be used.</p></div><div class="div4">
-<h5><a name="d0e2684" id="d0e2684" shape="rect"/> Relative selector</h5><p>Relative selector <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MUST</a> be interpreted as selector
+<h5><a name="d0e2689" id="d0e2689" shape="rect"/> Relative selector</h5><p>Relative selector <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MUST</a> be interpreted as selector
                 as defined in <a title="Selectors Level&#xA;                3" href="#css3-selectors" shape="rect">[Selectors Level 3]</a>. Selector is not
                 evaluated against the complete document tree but only against subtrees rooted at
                 nodes selected by selector in the <code class="its-attr-markup">selector</code> attribute.</p></div></div><div class="div3">
-<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="d0e2697" id="d0e2697" shape="rect"/>5.3.4 Additional query languages</h4><p>ITS processors <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MAY</a> support additional query
+<h4><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="d0e2702" id="d0e2702" shape="rect"/>5.3.4 Additional query languages</h4><p>ITS processors <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MAY</a> support additional query
               languages. For each additional query language the processor <a href="#rfc-keywords" shape="rect">MUST</a> define:</p><ul><li><p>identifier of query language used in <code class="its-attr-markup">queryLanguage</code>;</p></li><li><p>rules for evaluating absolute selector to collection of nodes;</p></li><li><p>rules for evaluating relative selector to collection of nodes.</p></li></ul><p>Because future versions of this specification are likely to define additional query
               languages, the following query language identifiers are reserved: <code>xpath</code>,
                 <code>css</code>, <code>xpath2</code>, <code>xpath3</code>, <code>xquery</code>,
@@ -6019,13 +5979,13 @@
                 <code class="its-attr-markup">lits-line-break-type</code>?</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="div1">
 <h2><a href="#contents" shape="rect"><img src="images/topOfPage.gif" align="right" height="26" width="26" title="Go to the table of contents." alt="Go to the table of contents."/></a><a name="revisionlog" id="revisionlog" shape="rect"/>H Revision Log (Non-Normative)</h2><p id="changelog-since-20130521">The following log records major changes that have been made to this document since the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 21 May 2013</a>.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Updated all text of the <a href="#html5-withintext-handling" shape="rect">HTML5 defaults for Element Within Text</a> and added example.
             See <a href="" shape="rect">issue-118</a>
-            and <a href="" shape="rect">action-532</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added a <a href="#mime-type-iesg-submission" shape="rect">paragraph about mime type submission</a> to <a class="section-ref" href="#its-mime-type" shape="rect">Appendix B: Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) MIME Type</a>, see step 3 (first bullet point) at <a href="" shape="rect">Register an Internet Media Type for a W3C Spec</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">action-251</a>.</p></li><li><p>Removed company names from various examples, see <a href=";index-type=t&amp;keywords=action-502&amp;search=Search" shape="rect">CVS commits</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">action-502</a>.</p></li><li><p>Rformatting of various examples, see <a href="" shape="rect">CVS commit mail</a> and further CVS commit mails with the same send time.</p></li><li><p>Edits related to <a title="" href="#nif-reference" shape="rect">[NIF]</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-125</a>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20130411">The following log records major changes that have been made to this document since the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 11 April 2013</a>.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Added a reference to the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS RDF Ontology</a> and an <a href="#its-rdf-ontology-status" shape="rect">explanatory note</a> about its status to <a class="section-ref" href="#conversion-to-nif" shape="rect">Section 5.7: Conversion to NIF</a>, see <a href="https://www.w3.or/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/actions/514" shape="rect">action-514</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated <a class="section-ref" href="#conversion-to-nif" shape="rect">Section 5.7: Conversion to NIF</a> to reflect <a href="" shape="rect">MLW-LT May 2013 f2f discussion</a>: <code>nif:occursIn</code> has changed to <code>nif:sourceUrl</code>, and <code>nif:convertedFrom</code> replaces <code>itsrdf:xpath2nif</code>. See <a href="" shape="rect">action-517</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a href="#local-approach-not-applicable-to-attributes" shape="rect">a note</a> to <a class="section-ref" href="#basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect">Section 2.1.1: Local Approach</a> expressing that local selection does not apply to attributes,
+            and <a href="" shape="rect">action-532</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added a <a href="#mime-type-iesg-submission" shape="rect">paragraph about mime type submission</a> to <a class="section-ref" href="#its-mime-type" shape="rect">Appendix B: Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) MIME Type</a>, see step 3 (first bullet point) at <a href="" shape="rect">Register an Internet Media Type for a W3C Spec</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">action-251</a>.</p></li><li><p>Removed company names from various examples, see <a href=";index-type=t&amp;keywords=action-502&amp;search=Search" shape="rect">CVS commits</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">action-502</a>.</p></li><li><p>Rformatting of various examples, see <a href="" shape="rect">CVS commit mail</a> and further CVS commit mails with the same send time.</p></li><li><p>Edits related to <a title="" href="#nif-reference" shape="rect">[NIF]</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-125</a>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20130411">The following log records major changes that have been made to this document since the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 11 April 2013</a>.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Added a reference to the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS RDF Ontology</a> and an <a href="#its-rdf-ontology-status" shape="rect">explanatory note</a> about its status to <a class="section-ref" href="#conversion-to-nif" shape="rect">Section 5.7: Conversion to NIF</a>, see <a href="https://www.w3.or/International/multilingualweb/lt/track/actions/514" shape="rect">action-514</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated <a class="section-ref" href="#conversion-to-nif" shape="rect">Section 5.7: Conversion to NIF</a> to reflect <a href="" shape="rect">MLW-LT May 2013 f2f discussion</a>: <code>nif:occursIn</code> has changed to <code>nif:sourceUrl</code>, and <code>nif:convertedFrom</code> replaces <code>itsrdf:xpath2nif</code>. See <a href="" shape="rect">action-517</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a href="#local-approach-not-applicable-to-attributes" shape="rect">a note</a> to <a class="section-ref" href="#basic-concepts-selection-local" shape="rect">Section 2.2.1: Local Approach</a> expressing that local selection does not apply to attributes,
             see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-98</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added a <a href="#qa-issue-types-tool-specific-mappings" shape="rect">clarification</a> about the role of mappings from tools to quality issue types,
             see <a href="" shape="rect">action-493</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated the definition of the regular expression to use in the <a class="section-ref" href="#allowedchars" shape="rect">Section 8.19: Allowed Characters</a> data category,
-            see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-67</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated <a class="section-ref" href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">Section 2.4: Specific HTML support</a> to reflect discussion on HTML defaults, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-89</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">issue-97</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">issue-118</a>.</p></li><li><p>Clarified <a href="#provenance-records-in-html5-constraint" shape="rect">provenance</a> and 
+            see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-67</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated <a class="section-ref" href="#specific-HTML-support" shape="rect">Section 2.5: Specific HTML support</a> to reflect discussion on HTML defaults, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-89</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">issue-97</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">issue-118</a>.</p></li><li><p>Clarified <a href="#provenance-records-in-html5-constraint" shape="rect">provenance</a> and 
             <a href="#loc-quality-issues-in-html5-constraint" shape="rect">localization quality issue</a> standoff 
             constraints for HTML5, see related <a href="" shape="rect">mail thread</a>.</p></li><li><p>Edits related to HTML defaults for <a href="#elements-within-text" shape="rect">Elements Within Text</a> and <a href="#language-information" shape="rect">Language Information</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">mail thread</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">issue-118</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added section about ITS and XLIFF to <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added a <a href="#text-analyis-serializations" shape="rect">note on serializations</a> of the <a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a> data category.</p></li><li><p>Added <a href="#its-conformance-2-5" shape="rect">conformance clause 2-5</a> about non ITS eements and attributes and a <a href="#foreign-elements" shape="rect">related paragraph</a> to <a class="section-ref" href="#its-schemas" shape="rect">Appendix D: Schemas for ITS</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">action-527</a>.</p></li><li><p>Made <code class="its-attr-markup">annotatorsRef</code> only needed for <a href="#terminology" shape="rect">Terminology</a>, <a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">Text Analysis</a> and <a href="#mtconfidence" shape="rect">MT Confidence</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-71</a>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20121206">The following log records major changes that have been
-          made to this document since the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 6 December 2012</a>.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Changed usage of <code>quote</code> element in example <a href="#EX-dir-html5-local-1" shape="rect">Example 44</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-88</a></p></li><li><p>Added optional version attribute to standoff elements, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-122</a>.</p></li><li><p>Fixed <a href="#EX-its-tool-annotation-1" shape="rect">Example 22</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-58</a>.</p></li><li><p>Clarified text in <a class="section-ref" href="#basic-concepts-addingpointing" shape="rect">Section 2.3: Adding Information or Pointing to Existing Information</a> and
+          made to this document since the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 6 December 2012</a>.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Changed usage of <code>quote</code> element in example <a href="#EX-dir-html5-local-1" shape="rect">Example 44</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-88</a></p></li><li><p>Added optional version attribute to standoff elements, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-122</a>.</p></li><li><p>Fixed <a href="#EX-its-tool-annotation-1" shape="rect">Example 22</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-58</a>.</p></li><li><p>Clarified text in <a class="section-ref" href="#basic-concepts-addingpointing" shape="rect">Section 2.4: Adding Information or Pointing to Existing Information</a> and
               <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-global" shape="rect">Section 5.2.1: Global, Rule-based Selection</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-59</a>.</p></li><li><p>Clarified the definition of <code>uncategorized</code> in <a class="section-ref" href="#lqissue-typevalues" shape="rect">Appendix C: Values for the Localization Quality Issue Type</a>, and (see <a href="" shape="rect">related mail</a>) used "<span class="quote">value</span>" consistently instead of
               "<span class="quote">category</span>" to refer to the value types. See <a href="" shape="rect">issue-60</a>.</p></li><li><p>Clarified definition of <a href="#lqissue-global" shape="rect">Localization Quality
               Issue</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-62</a>.</p></li><li><p>Removed <code>disambigClassPointer</code> attribute, see <a class="section-ref" href="#textanalysis-implementation" shape="rect">Section 8.9.2: Implementation</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">issue-64</a>.</p></li><li><p>Clarified that <code class="its-attr-markup">provenanceRecordsRefPointer</code> cannot be used in HTML, see
@@ -6044,7 +6004,7 @@
             Type values</a> to properly use RFC2119 values. See <a href="" shape="rect">issue-112</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">issue-124</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated <a href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Localization Quality Issue</a> to reference ISO/TS
             11669 and Structure specifications. See <a href="" shape="rect">issue-83</a>.</p></li><li><p>Renamed Disambiguation data category to Text Analysis. Removed <code>disambigGranularity</code> attribute. All other attributes of Disambiguation were renamed to have the prefix "ta". Rewrote <a href="#textanalysis" shape="rect">defining section</a>. See for all changes <a href="" shape="rect">issue-68</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added non-normative reference to ITS 1.0 <a title="&#x2028;Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 1.0&#x2028;" href="#its10" shape="rect">[ITS 1.0]</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated <a class="section-ref" href="#conversion-to-nif" shape="rect">Section 5.7: Conversion to NIF</a> and <a class="section-ref" href="#nif-backconversion" shape="rect">Appendix F: Conversion NIF2ITS</a> with new NIF URI (see <a href="" shape="rect">action-460</a>), fragment identifiers (see <a href="" shape="rect">action-458</a>) and ITS ontology predicates. Changes to be confirmed, see <a href="" shape="rect">action-481</a>. See <a href="" shape="rect">issue-73</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated <a class="section-ref" href="#storagesize" shape="rect">Section 8.20: Storage Size</a> to clarify the usage of the encoding and the line break type.
             See <a href="" shape="rect">issue-106</a>
-            and <a href="" shape="rect">issue-107</a>.</p></li><li><p>Removed note in <a class="section-ref" href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">Section 2.1.2: Global Approach</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-117</a>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20121023">The following log records major changes that have been
+            and <a href="" shape="rect">issue-107</a>.</p></li><li><p>Removed note in <a class="section-ref" href="#basic-concepts-selection-global" shape="rect">Section 2.2.2: Global Approach</a>, see <a href="" shape="rect">issue-117</a>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20121023">The following log records major changes that have been
           made to this document since the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 23 October 2012</a>.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Clarified usage of <a href="#domain" shape="rect">Domain</a> data category in HTML in
             response to <a href="" shape="rect">issue-56</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added the <a href="#lqissueDefs" shape="rect">enabled information</a> in <a class="section-ref" href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Section 8.16: Localization Quality Issue</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated the Disambiguation data category.</p></li><li><p>Fine tuned the algorithm to compute the result values of the <a href="#domain" shape="rect">Domain</a> data category.</p></li><li><p>Fix on <a href="#EX-locQualityIssue-html5-local-2" shape="rect">Example 76</a>:
               <code>id</code> attribute of <code>script</code> element now the same as of containing
@@ -6087,7 +6047,7 @@
             Selectors integration.</p></li><li><p>Added examples to <a class="section-ref" href="#externalresource" shape="rect">Section 8.12: External Resource</a>.</p></li><li><p>Simplified <a class="section-ref" href="#LocaleFilter" shape="rect">Section 8.10: Locale Filter</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added a note about HTML and the attributes <code class="its-attr-markup">dir</code> and <code class="its-attr-markup">translate</code>
             to <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-local" shape="rect">Section 5.2.2: Local Selection in an XML Document</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added definition of <code class="its-elem-markup">param</code> element to <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-global" shape="rect">Section 5.2.1: Global, Rule-based Selection</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#target-pointer" shape="rect">Section 8.13: Target Pointer</a>.</p></li><li><p>Original Ruby markup model changed to HTML5 Ruby model.</p></li><li><p>Updated references.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#preservespace" shape="rect">Section 8.15: Preserve Space</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#lqissue" shape="rect">Section 8.16: Localization Quality Issue</a> and the related <a class="section-ref" href="#lqissue-typevalues" shape="rect">Appendix C: Values for the Localization Quality Issue Type</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#lqrating" shape="rect">Section 8.17: Loclization Quality Rating</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added a placeholder <a class="section-ref" href="#mtconfidence" shape="rect">Section 8.18: MT Confidence</a>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20120626">The following log records major changes that have been
           made to this document since the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 2.0 Working Draft 26 June 2012</a>.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Various editorial changes (non-normative references update, style &amp; grammar
-            fixes).</p></li><li><p>Made clarifications to “out of scope” list and “design decisions”in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added explanatory note on precedence and overriding in <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-precedence" shape="rect">Section 5.5: Precedence between Selections</a>.</p></li><li><p>Reordered some components in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Restructured “relation to ITS 1.0 and new principles” in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#queryLanguage" shape="rect">Section 5.3.1: Choosing Query Language</a> as a stub.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#LocaleFilter" shape="rect">Section 8.10: Locale Filter</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#domain" shape="rect">Section 8.8: Domain</a>.</></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#usage-in-legacy-html" shape="rect">Section 2.4.5: Version of HTML</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added local markup in <a class="section-ref" href="#elements-within-text" shape="rect">Section 8.7: Elements Within Text</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#externalresource" shape="rect">Section 8.12: External Resource</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated examples to use the <code class="its-attr-markup">version</code> attribute with the value
+            fixes).</p></li><li><p>Made clarifications to “out of scope” list and “design decisions”in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added explanatory note on precedence and overriding in <a class="section-ref" href="#selection-precedence" shape="rect">Section 5.5: Precedence between Selections</a>.</p></li><li><p>Reordered some components in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Restructured “relation to ITS 1.0 and new principles” in <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#queryLanguage" shape="rect">Section 5.3.1: Choosing Query Language</a> as a stub.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#LocaleFilter" shape="rect">Section 8.10: Locale Filter</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#domain" shape="rect">Section 8.8: Domain</a>.</></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#usage-in-legacy-html" shape="rect">Section 2.5.5: Version of HTML</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added local markup in <a class="section-ref" href="#elements-within-text" shape="rect">Section 8.7: Elements Within Text</a>.</p></li><li><p>Added <a class="section-ref" href="#externalresource" shape="rect">Section 8.12: External Resource</a>.</p></li><li><p>Updated examples to use the <code class="its-attr-markup">version</code> attribute with the value
               <code>2.0</code>.</p></li></ol><p id="changelog-since-20070403">The following log records major changes that have been
           made to this document between the <a href="" shape="rect">ITS 1.0 Recommendation</a> and
           this document.</p><ol class="depth1"><li><p>Clarified <a href="#introduction" shape="rect">introduction</a> to cover ITS 2.0</p></li><li><p>Added a subsection on the relation to ITS 1.0 to the introduction, see <a class="section-ref" href="#introduction" shape="rect">Section 1: Introduction</a></p></li><li><p>Created HTML based declarations for various data categories, see e.g. HTML
--- /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20-for-editing-sec1-sec2.odd	2013/06/11 05:46:43	1.20
+++ /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20-for-editing-sec1-sec2.odd	2013/06/11 08:26:03	1.21
@@ -484,101 +484,70 @@
           <emph>This section is informative.</emph>
-        <p>The purpose of this section is to provide basic knowledge about how ITS 2.0 <q>works</q>. The underlying formal definitions are given in the subsequent sections.</p>
-        <p>A key concept of ITS is the abstract notion of <ref target="#def-datacat">data categories</ref>. Data categories define the information that can be conveyed via ITS. An example is the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category. It conveys information about translatability of conent.</p>
-        <p><ptr target="#datacategory-description" type="specref"/> provides the definition of data categories. It also provides their implementation, that is: ways to use the data categories. The motivation for separating data category definition from their implementation is to allow for flexibility: data categories can be implemented </p> 
-        <list type="unordered"><item>in various types of content (XML in general or <ref target="#specific-HTML-support">HTML</ref>).</item> 
-          <item>for a single piece of markup, e.g. a <code>p</code> element. This is the so-called <ref target="#basic-concepts-selection-local">local approach</ref>.</item>
-          <item>for several pieces of markup in one or a set of documents. This is the so-called <ref target="#basic-concepts-selection-global">global approach</ref>.</item>
-          <item>For a complete markup vocabulary by adding <ref target="#its-schemas">ITS markup declarations</ref> to the underlying schema.</item>
-          </list>
+        <p>The purpose of this section is to provide basic knowledge about how ITS 2.0 <q>works</q>. Detailed knowledge (including formal definitions) is given in the subsequent sections.</p>
+        <div xml:id="basic-concepts-datacategories">
+  <head>Data Categories</head>
+  <p>A key concept of ITS is the abstract notion of <ref target="#def-datacat">data categories</ref>. Data categories define the information that can be conveyed via ITS. An example is the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category. It conveys information about translatability of content.</p>
+          <p><ptr target="#datacategory-description" type="specref"/> defines data categories. It also describes their implementation, that is: ways to use them for example in an XML context. The motivation for separating data category definitions from their implementation is that only this way the reality can be reflected since data categories can be implemented</p> 
+  <list type="unordered"><item>In various types of content (XML in general or <ref target="#specific-HTML-support">HTML</ref>).</item> 
+    <item>For a single piece of content, e.g. a <code>p</code> element. This is the so-called <ref target="#basic-concepts-selection-local">local approach</ref>.</item>
+    <item>for several pieces of content in one document or even a set of documents. This is the so-called <ref target="#basic-concepts-selection-global">global approach</ref>.</item>
+    <item>For a complete markup vocabulary. This is done by adding <ref target="#its-schemas">ITS markup declarations</ref> to the schema for the vocabulary.</item>
+  </list>
         <div xml:id="basic-concepts-selection">
-          <p>Information (e.g. "translate this") captured by ITS data categories (e.g.
-              <q>translate this piece of content</q>) always pertains to one or more XML or HTML nodes,
-            primarily element and attribute nodes. In
-            a sense, ITS “selects” the relevant node(s). Selection may be explicit or
-            implicit. ITS distinguishes two approaches to selection: (1) local, and (2) using global
-            rules.</p>
+          <p>Information (e.g. <q>translate this</q>) captured by an ITS data category always pertains to one or more XML or HTML nodes, primarily element and attribute nodes. In a sense, the relevant node(s) get <q>selected</q>. Selection may be explicit or implicit. ITS distinguishes two mechanisms for explicit selection: (1) local approach, and (2) global approach (via <gi>rules</gi>). Both local and global approach can interact with each other, and with additional ITS dimensions such as inheritance and defaults.</p>
           <p>The mechanisms defined for ITS selection resemble those defined in <ptr
               target="#css2-1" type="bibref"/>. The local approach can be compared to the
-              <code>style</code> attribute in HTML/XHTML, and the approach with global rules is
-            similar to the <code>style</code> element in HTML/XHTML. ITS usually uses XPath for
-            identifying nodes although CSS Selectors and other query languages can be used if
-            supported by the application.</p>          
+            <code>style</code> attribute in HTML/XHTML, and the global approach is similar to the <code>style</code> element in HTML/XHTML.</p>          
-            <item>the local approach puts ITS markup in the relevant element of the markup host vocabulary
-              (e.g. the <code>author</code> element in DocBook)</item>
-            <item>the <ref target="#selection-global">rule-based, global approach</ref> puts the ITS
+            <item>the local approach puts ITS markup in the relevant element of the host vocabulary (e.g. the <code>author</code> element in DocBook)</item>
+            <item>the global, <ref target="#selection-global">rule-based approach</ref> puts the ITS
               markup in elements defined by ITS itself (namely the <gi>rules</gi> element)</item>
-          <p>ITS markup can be used with XML documents (e.g. a DocBook article), HTML documents, or schemas (e.g. an
-            XML Schema document for a proprietary document format).</p>
-          <p>The following two examples sketch the distinction between the local and global
-            approaches, using the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category as one example.</p>
+          <p>ITS usually uses XPath in rules for identifying nodes although CSS Selectors and other query languages can in addition be implemented by applications.</p>
+          <p>ITS 2.0 can be used with XML documents (e.g. a DocBook article), HTML documents, or schemas (e.g. an XML Schema document for a proprietary document format).</p>
+          <p>The following two examples provide more details about the distinction between the local and global approach, using the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category as example.</p>
           <div xml:id="basic-concepts-selection-local">
             <head>Local Approach</head>
-            <p>The document in <ptr target="#EX-basic-concepts-1" type="exref"/> shows how a content
-              author may use the ITS <att type="class">translate</att> attribute to indicate that
-              all content inside the <code>author</code> element should be protected from
-              translation. Translation tools that are aware of the meaning of this attribute can
-              then screen the relevant content from the translation process.</p>
+            <p>The document in <ptr target="#EX-basic-concepts-1" type="exref"/> shows how a content author may use the ITS <att>translate</att> attribute to indicate that all content inside the <code>author</code> element should be protected from translation (i.e. must not be translated). Translation tools that are aware of the meaning of the attribute can protect the relevant content from being translated (possibly still allowing translators to see the protected content as context information).</p>
             <exemplum xml:id="EX-basic-concepts-1">
               <head>ITS markup on elements in an XML document (local approach) </head>
               <egXML xmlns=""
-            <p>For this example to work for a whole markup vocabulary, the schema developer will need to add the <att type="class"
-                >translate</att> attribute to the schema as a common attribute or on all the
-              relevant element definitions. Note how there is an expectation in this case that
-              <ref target="#basic-concepts-overinher">inheritance</ref> plays a part in identifying which content does have to be translated and
-              which does not. Tools that process this content for translation will need to implement
-              the expected inheritance.</p>
-            <p xml:id="local-approach-not-applicable-to-attributes">For XML content, the local approach cannot be applied on a particular attribute. 
-              It can be applied for the content of the current element and all its inherited nodes as described in <ptr target="#datacategories-defaults-etc" type="specref"/>. For the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category used in <ptr target="#html5" type="bibref"/>, this is different, see the explanation of the <ref target="#translate-in-html5">HTML5 definition of Translate</ref>.</p> 
+            <p>For the local approach (and <ptr target="#EX-basic-concepts-1" type="exref"/>) to work for a whole markup vocabulary, a schema developer would need to add the <att>translate</att> attribute to the schema as a common attribute or on all the relevant element definitions. The example indicates that <ref target="#basic-concepts-overinher">inheritance</ref> plays a part in identifying which content does have to be translated and which does not: Although only the <code>author</code> element is marked as <q>do not translate</q>, its descendants (<code>personname</code>, <code>firstname</code>, <code>surname</code>) are considered to be implicitly marked as well. Tools that process this content for translation need to implement the expected inheritance.</p>
+            <p xml:id="local-approach-not-applicable-to-attributes">For XML content, the local approach cannot be applied to a particular attribute. If ITS needs to be applied to a particular attribute, the global approach has to be used. The local approach applies to content of the current element and all its inherited nodes as described in <ptr target="#datacategories-defaults-etc" type="specref"/>. For the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category used in <ptr target="#html5" type="bibref"/>, this is different, see the explanation of the <ref target="#translate-in-html5">HTML5 definition of Translate</ref>.</p>
           <div xml:id="basic-concepts-selection-global">
             <head>Global Approach</head>
+            <p>The document in <ptr target="#EX-basic-concepts-2" type="exref"/> shows a different approach to identifying non-translatable content, similar to that used with a <code>style</code> element in <ptr type="bibref" target="#xhtml10"/>, but using an ITS-defined element called <gi>rules</gi>. It works as follows: A document can contain a <gi>rules</gi> element (placed where it does not impact the structure of the document, e.g., in a <q>head</q> section, or even outside of the document itself). The <gi>rules</gi> element contains one or more ITS children/rule elements (for example <gi>translateRule</gi>). Each of these children elements contains a <att>selector</att> attribute. As its name suggests, this attribute selects the node or nodes to which the corresponding ITS information pertains. The values of ITS <att>selector</att> attributes are XPath absolute location paths (or CSS Selectors if queryLanguage is set to <val>css</val>). Via the <gi>param</gi> element variables can be provided and use in selectors.
+            </p>
-            <p>The document in <ptr target="#EX-basic-concepts-2" type="exref"/> shows a different
-              approach to identifying non-translatable content, similar to that used with a
-                <code>style</code> element in <ptr type="bibref" target="#xhtml10"/>, but using an
-              ITS-defined element called <gi>rules</gi>. It works as follows: A document can contain
-              a <gi>rules</gi> element (placed where it does not impact the structure of the
-              document, e.g., in a “head” section). It contains one or more ITS rule elements (for
-              example <gi>translateRule</gi>). Each of these specific elements contains a
-                <att>selector</att> attribute. As its name suggests, this attribute selects the node
-              or nodes to which a corresponding ITS information pertains. The values of ITS selector
-              attributes are XPath absolute location paths (or CSS Selectors if <ref
-                target="#queryLanguage">queryLanguage</ref> is set to "css"). Via the <ref target="#its-param">param</ref> element 
-              variables can be provided and then be used in the selectors.</p>
-            <p>Information for the
-              handling of namespaces in XPath expressions is taken from namespace declarations
-                <ptr target="#xmlns" type="bibref"/> at the current rule element.</p>        
+            <p>Information for the handling of namespaces in XPath expressions is taken from namespace declarations
+                <ptr target="#xmlns" type="bibref"/> in the current rule element.</p>        
             <exemplum xml:id="EX-basic-concepts-2">
               <head>ITS global markup in an XML document (rule-based approach) </head>
               <egXML xmlns=""
-            <p>For this approach to work, the schema developer needs to add the <gi>rules</gi>
-              element and associated markup to the schema. In some cases global rules may be
-              sufficient to allow the schema developer to avoid adding other ITS markup (such as an
-                <att type="class">translate</att> attribute) to the elements and attributes in the
-              schema. However, it is likely that authors will want to use attributes on markup from
-              time to time to override the general rule.</p>
-            <p>For specification of the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category
-              information, the contents of the <gi>rules</gi> element would normally be designed by
-              an information architect familiar with the document format and familiar with, or
-              working with someone familiar with, the needs of the localization group.</p>
+            <p>For the global approach (and <ptr target="#EX-basic-concepts-2" type="exref"/>) to work, a schema developer may  need to add a <gi>rules</gi> element and associated markup to the schema. In some cases, global rules may be sufficient and other ITS markup (such as an <att>translate</att> attribute on the elements and attributes) may not be needed in the schema. However, it is likely that authors may need the local approach from time to time to override the general rule.</p>
+            <p>For specification of the <ref target="#trans-datacat">Translate</ref> data category information, the contents of the <gi>translateRule</gi> element would normally be designed by an information architect familiar with the document format and familiar with, or working with someone familiar with, the needs of the localization/translation group.</p>
             <p>The global, rule-based approach has the following benefits:</p>
@@ -589,7 +558,7 @@
               <item>Changes can be made in a single location, rather than by searching and modifying
                 local markup throughout a document (or documents, if the <gi>rules</gi> element is
                 stored as an external entity)</item>
-              <item>ITS data categories can designate attribute values as well as elements.</item>
+              <item>ITS data categories can designate attribute values (as well as elements)</item>
               <item>It is possible to associate ITS markup with existing markup (for example the
                   <code>term</code> element in DITA)</item>
@@ -602,34 +571,6 @@
               <item>the attribute <att>translate</att> holds a value of <val>no</val>
-            <!--		<p>To summarize: The examples with global and local usage of
-		ITS markup show that ITS markup, in some cases, appears in
-		elements defined by ITS itself (the <gi>translateRule</gi>
-		element (embedded within a <gi>rules</gi> element)) and in
-		other cases appears in elements of the host vocabulary. In
-		addition to one or more ITS data category specific attributes,
-		<gi>translateRule</gi> or other rule elements contain a
-		corresponding <att>selector</att> attribute. As their name
-		suggests, a <att>selector</att> selects (or designates) one or
-		more XML nodes (namely those to which a corresponding ITS data
-		category attribute pertains). The value of ITS selector
-		attributes are XPath absolute location paths. Information for
-		to the handling of namespaces in these path expression is
-		contained in the ITS element <gi>ns</gi> which is a child of
-		<gi>rules</gi>. </p>
-            <p>The ITS <att>selector</att> attribute allows:</p>
-            <list>
-              <item>ITS data category attributes to appear in global rules (even outside of an XML or HTML
-                document or schema)</item>
-              <item>ITS data categories attributes to pertain to sets of document nodes (for example all
-                  <code>p</code> elements in an XML document)</item>
-              <item>ITS markup to pertain to attributes</item>
-              <item>ITS markup to <ref target="#associating-its-with-existing-markup"> associate
-                  with existing markup</ref> (for example the <code>term</code> element in
-                DITA)</item>
-            </list>

Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 08:26:09 UTC