CVS WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20

Update of /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20
In directory gil:/tmp/cvs-serv3214

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Log Message:
removed ruby section, see issue-91

--- /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20.odd	2013/04/10 15:13:58	1.379
+++ /w3ccvs/WWW/International/multilingualweb/lt/drafts/its20/its20.odd	2013/04/10 15:25:07	1.380
@@ -179,8 +179,7 @@
               <item>ITS 2.0 supports all ITS 1.0 data category definitions and adds new definitions,
-                with the exceptions of <ref target="#directionality">Directionality</ref> and <ref
-                  target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref>.</item>
+                with the exceptions of <ref target="#directionality">Directionality</ref> and Ruby.</item>
               <item>ITS 2.0 adds a number of new data categories not found in ITS 1.0.</item>
               <item>While ITS 1.0 addressed only XML, ITS 2.0 specifies implementations of data
                 categories in <emph>both</emph> XML <emph>and</emph> HTML.</item>
@@ -580,9 +579,7 @@
               implementation of ITS data categories. Avoiding elements for ITS purposes as much as
               possible ensures ease of integration into existing markup schemes, see <ref
                 target="">section 3.14</ref> in <ptr
-                target="#itsreq" type="bibref"/>. Only for some requirements do additional child
-              elements have to be used, see for example <ptr target="#ruby-annotation"
-                type="specref"/>.</item>
+                target="#itsreq" type="bibref"/>.</item>
             <item>ITS has no dependency on technologies which are still under
               development.<?Pub Caret?></item>
             <item>ITS fits with existing work in the W3C architecture (e.g. use of <ptr
@@ -946,7 +943,6 @@
                 <item><gi>rules</gi> element</item>
                 <item>one of the local ITS attributes</item>
                 <item><gi>span</gi> element</item>
-                <item><gi>ruby</gi> element</item>
             <item><p xml:id="its-conformance-1-2"><emph>1-2:</emph> If the <gi>rules</gi> element is
                 used, it <ref target="#rfc-keywords">MUST</ref> be part of the content model of at
@@ -966,10 +962,7 @@
 				 target="#rfc2119">SHOULD</ref> be declared at all
 				 elements which are part of the<hi diff="del">
 				 existing or new</hi> schema.</item>-->
-            <item><p xml:id="its-conformance-1-3"><emph>1-3:</emph> If the <gi>ruby</gi> element is
-                used, it <ref target="#rfc-keywords">SHOULD</ref> be declared as an inline
-                element.</p></item>
-            <item><p xml:id="its-conformance-1-4"><emph>1-4:</emph> If the <gi>span</gi> element is
+            <item><p xml:id="its-conformance-1-3"><emph>1-4:</emph> If the <gi>span</gi> element is
                 used, it <ref target="#rfc-keywords">SHOULD</ref> be declared as an inline
@@ -1192,7 +1185,7 @@
               absolute selector as defined in <ptr target="#selectors" type="specref"/>.</item>
             <item><ref target="#selection-local">Locally in a document</ref>: the selection is
               realized using ITS local attributes, which are attached to an element node, or the
-                <gi>span</gi> or <gi>ruby</gi> element. There is no additional <att>selector</att>
+                <gi>span</gi> element. There is no additional <att>selector</att>
               attribute. The default selection for each data category defines whether the selection
               covers attributes and child elements. See <ptr target="#datacategories-defaults-etc"
@@ -1843,8 +1836,7 @@
           <p>All data categories defined in <ptr target="#datacategory-description" type="specref"/>
             and having local implementation might be used in HTML with the exception of <ref
               target="#trans-datacat" type="specref">Translate</ref>, <ref target="#directionality"
-              type="specref">Directionality</ref>, <ref target="#ruby-annotation" type="specref"
-              >Ruby</ref>, and <ref target="#language-information" type="specref">Language
+              type="specref">Directionality</ref> and <ref target="#language-information" type="specref">Language
               Information</ref> data categories.</p>
             <p>The above mentioned data categories are excluded because HTML has native markup for
@@ -2004,7 +1996,6 @@
           <specGrpRef target="#spec-its-locNoteRule"/>
           <specGrpRef target="#spec-its-termRule"/>
           <specGrpRef target="#spec-its-dirRule"/>
-          <specGrpRef target="#spec-its-rubyRule"/>
           <specGrpRef target="#spec-its-langRule"/>
           <specGrpRef target="#spec-its-within-textRule"/>
           <specGrpRef target="#spec-its-domainRule"/>
@@ -2134,18 +2125,6 @@
-                <ref target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref> (<code>ruby</code>) </cell>
-              <cell>Yes</cell>
-              <cell>Yes</cell>
-              <cell>Yes</cell>
-              <cell>Yes</cell>
-              <cell>None</cell>
-              <cell>None</cell>
-              <cell><ref target="#EX-ruby-implementation-1">local</ref>, <ref
-                  target="#EX-ruby-legacy-1">global</ref></cell>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <cell>
                 <ref target="#language-information">Language Information</ref>
                   (<code>language-information</code>) </cell>
@@ -2756,87 +2735,6 @@
-        <div xml:id="ruby-annotation">
-          <head>Ruby</head>
-          <p>This section is <emph>informative</emph>.</p>
-          <note><p xml:id="ruby-non-normative-explanation">As time of writing, ruby is not clearly
-              defined in HTML, and no implementation commitment is seen for the <ref
-                target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref> data category in ITS 2.0. Hence this data
-              category is defined as informative, creating a non-backward compatibly change to ITS
-              1.0. This note and this section may be updated with the proper guidance if the HTML
-              definition is stabilized before ITS 2.0 moves to proposed recommendation status.
-              Nevertheless, to be able to move to last call, the <ref target="#ruby-annotation"
-                >Ruby</ref> data category will not be defined as a normative feature of ITS
-            2.0.</p></note>
-          <div xml:id="ruby-definition">
-            <head>Definition</head>
-            <p>The <ref target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref> data category is used for a run of text
-              that is associated with another run of text, referred to as the base text. Ruby text
-              is used to provide a short annotation of the associated base text. It is most often
-              used to provide a reading (pronunciation) guide.</p>
-          </div>
-          <div xml:id="ruby-implementation">
-            <head>Implementation</head>
-            <note type="ed">Examples for HTML need to be added; </note>
-            <p>The <ref target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref> data category can be expressed with
-              global rules, or locally. There is no inheritance.</p>
-            <p xml:id="ruby-global">GLOBAL: The <gi>rubyRule</gi> element contains the
-              following:</p>
-            <list type="unordered">
-              <item>A required <att>selector</att> attribute. It contains an <ref
-                  target="#selectors">absolute selector</ref> which selects the nodes to which this
-                rule applies. This is the ruby base text.</item>
-              <item>An optional <att>rubyPointer</att> attribute that contains a <ref
-                  target="#selectors">relative selector</ref> pointing to a node that corresponds to
-                the ruby element.</item>
-              <item>An optional <att>rpPointer</att> attribute that contains a <ref
-                  target="#selectors">relative selector</ref> pointing to a node that corresponds to
-                the ruby parenthesis.</item>
-              <item>An optional <gi>rubyText</gi> element that contains the ruby text.</item>
-              <item>An optional <att>rtPointer</att> attribute that contains a <ref
-                  target="#selectors">relative selector</ref> pointing to a node that corresponds to
-                the ruby text.</item>
-            </list>
-            <note><p>Where legacy formats do not contain ruby markup, it is still possible to
-                associate ruby text with a specified range of document content using the
-                  <gi>rubyRule</gi> element.</p></note>
-            <exemplum xml:id="EX-ruby-legacy-1">
-              <head>Adding ruby text with a <gi>rubyRule</gi> element</head>
-              <egXML xmlns=""
-                target="examples/xml/EX-ruby-legacy-1.xml"/>
-            </exemplum>
-            <p xml:id="ruby-local">LOCAL: In a document, the <ref target="#ruby-annotation"
-                >Ruby</ref> data category is realized with a <gi>ruby</gi> element. It contains the
-              following:</p>
-            <note type="ed">Not sure if the following is correct and understandable. Also Ruby model
-              was recently extended in HTML5, we should align to this probably.</note>
-            <list type="unordered">
-              <item>The ruby base text or <gi>span</gi> element that contains the ruby base text and
-                allows for <ref target="#selection-local">local ITS markup</ref>.</item>
-              <item>An <gi>rp</gi> element that contains the ruby parenthesis. It is used in case of
-                simple markup to specify characters that can denote the beginning and end of ruby
-                text when user agents do not have other ways to present ruby text distinctively from
-                the base text.</item>
-              <item>An <gi>rt</gi> element that contains the ruby text and allows for <ref
-                  target="#selection-local">local ITS markup</ref>.</item>
-            </list>
-            <p>All these elements share the attributes of the <gi>span</gi> element. </p>
-            <exemplum xml:id="EX-ruby-implementation-1">
-              <head>The <ref target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref> data category expressed
-                locally</head>
-              <egXML xmlns=""
-                target="examples/xml/EX-ruby-implementation-1.xml"/>
-            </exemplum>
-            <note><p>The structure of the content model for the <gi>ruby</gi> element is identical
-                with the structure of ruby markup as defined in <ptr type="bibref" target="#html5"
-                />.</p>
-            </note>
-          </div>
-        </div>
         <div xml:id="language-information">
           <head>Language Information</head>
           <div xml:id="langinfo-definition">
@@ -5636,14 +5534,6 @@
             </title>. W3C Recommendation 07 June 2012. Available at <ref
               ></ref>. </bibl>
-          <bibl xml:id="ruby-tr" n="Ruby-TR">Marcin Sawicki (until 10 October, 1999), Michel
-            Suignard, Masayasu Ishikawa (石川 雅康), Martin Dürst, Tex Texin, <title>
-              <ref target="">Ruby Annotation</ref>
-            </title>. W3C Recommendation 31 May 2001. Available at <ref
-              target="">
-     </ref>. The latest version of <ref
-              target="">Ruby Annotation</ref> is available at
-  </bibl>
           <bibl xml:id="schematron" n="Schematron">Information technology -- Document Schema
             Definition Languages (DSDL) -- Part 3: <title>Rule-based validation --
               Schematron</title>. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO/IEC
@@ -5822,12 +5712,6 @@
-            <cell><ref target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref></cell>
-            <cell><gi>rubyRule</gi></cell>
-            <cell>-</cell>
-            <cell>-</cell>
-          </row>
-          <row>
             <cell><ref target="#language-information">Language Information</ref></cell>
@@ -6148,10 +6032,8 @@
               <att>domainPointer</att> attribute in <ptr target="#EX-domain-2" type="exref"/> and
               <ref target=""
-          <item>Defined <ref target="#directionality">Directionality</ref> and <ref
-              target="#ruby-annotation">Ruby</ref> as non-normative features. See <ptr
-              target="#relation-to-its10" type="specref"/>, note on directionality, <ref
-              target="#ruby-non-normative-explanation">note on ruby</ref>, and <ref
+          <item>Defined <ref target="#directionality">Directionality</ref> and Ruby as non-normative features. See <ptr
+              target="#relation-to-its10" type="specref"/>, note on directionality and <ref
           <item>Update on Disambiguation example <ptr

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 15:25:09 UTC