- From: Holland, Jake <jholland@akamai.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 00:54:17 +0000
- To: "public-multicast@w3.org" <public-multicast@w3.org>
Hi everyone, One adjustment I just noticed while reviewing my to-do list, we should discuss whether we should arrange a TPAC meeting. I think a final decision can be deferred until next month or list discussion this month, but I'd like to briefly chat about that also. I'll try to fit that into the meeting discussion section. 5 minutes: Welcome & Agenda-bash 5-15 minutes: Questions/comments on recent IETF 111 and upcoming TPAC 15-30 minutes: Discuss using QUIC and libnghq to solve the packet level encryption problem Recommended reading: https://github.com/bbc/nghq/blob/master/docs/public-api.md https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pardue-quic-http-mcast I've got a couple of points of confusion here that I'm hoping to clear up by digging on it over the next week or 2, and anyone who can help shed light here will be invited to do so. 5 minutes: Schedule working session in 1-2 weeks for those who are interested. On 08-03, 3:46 PM, "Holland, Jake" <jholland@akamai.com> wrote: Hi Multicast Community Group, I hope everyone's doing well, and I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow if you can make it. The meeting is at 2:30pm UTC, (7:30am Pacific, 10:30am Eastern), and hopefully this link is right for most of us: https://akamai.webex.com/akamai/j.php?MTID=m5b4c48c0daab105c995512e116ed0f85 There are more joining options in the original invite, including phone numbers to dial in for those who prefer that: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-multicast/2021Jul/0004.html Here's the proposed agenda: 5 minutes: Welcome & Agenda-bash 5-15 minutes: Questions/comments on IETF 111 meetings 15-30 minutes: Discuss using QUIC and libnghq to solve the packet level encryption problem Recommended reading: https://github.com/bbc/nghq/blob/master/docs/public-api.md https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pardue-quic-http-mcast I've got a couple of points of confusion here that I'm hoping to clear up by digging on it over the next week or 2, and anyone who can help shed light here will be invited to do so. 5 minutes: Schedule working session in 1-2 weeks for those who are interested. In case you missed the Web-multicast-related IETF meetings and are interested, here's a quick summary and links for each: 1. There was a side meeting on Thursday to discuss Multicast for the Web: - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKHdTrhQHLo - Minutes: https://codimd.ietf.org/s/notes-ietf-111-multicast-side-meeting - Slides: https://trac.ietf.org/trac/ietf/meeting/attachment/wiki/111sidemeetings/slides-ietf111-side-meeting-web-multicast.pdf Summary: Very encouraging words, and nobody came by to say this is a bad idea or that it's a doomed effort. (And at least a few people in WebTransport were present.) Some open questions remain on how well this will work in 5G, and on what's the right IETF venue, with a few offline emails as follow-up. It looks like I'll be requesting an IETF mailing list for coordinating, so let me know if you want to be on that. 2. I did a more detailed presentation in mboned on the status of the efforts to get web delivery going, including a brief overview of the active specs: - Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O3Zh1Hj6co&t=17m24s - Slides: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/111/materials/slides-111-mboned-status-update-multicast-to-the-browser-00 Summary: some more encouraging words, and some next steps on doc-processing, particularly for DORMS (aiming to start last call soon). Best regards, Jake
Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2021 00:54:35 UTC