Status and upcoming agendas [Core] and [Educ]

This is to update progress in the two task forces, provide some 
pointers, and remind about next meetings.


This task force has been working almost exclusively via the wiki. 
Progress, workplan, and names of people who are doing the work can be 
found at [1].  Additional work which maps our mobile roadmap to 
Application Foundations can be found at [2].  Phone calls have been 
sporadic, but we continue to have calls to allow people to call in and 
comment on the work, or make more substantial contributions. The next 
call is scheduled for 26 February, 10 AM ET (7AM PT, 4PM CET) at 
1-617-761-6200, Code 2673, IRC #core.


We are making progress in our bi-weekly calls.  At the last call we 
identified three potential places for this work to further develop:

1. Taking a large body of work relative to Edtech Standards in general, 
and incubating that in a Community Group.  We would attract a community 
and develop technical specifications.  As the work matured, we would 
then determine where to take it for formal standardization.  If the 
technical work and the community is a match for W3C, we would bring it 
to W3C Working Group, otherwise we would find a different venue to 
finalize the matured proposals.

We have high confidence that there is subject matter to progress here.  
We are brainstorming at [3] where we already have good progress on scope.

2. Identify specific places of integration with W3C groups that focus on 
capabilities such as privacy, security, and accessibility.

3. Identify if there are implications for the core Web platform that 
arise from education needs that should be brought ASAP to existing W3C 
Working Groups.

We will continue to discuss on the email list and wiki, and the next 
call is 6 March at 10AM ET (7AM PT, 4PM CET).   The number is 
1-617-761-6200, code 3382, and IRC #educ.  We hope to get to a 
reasonable crafting of the CG so we can discuss next steps with it, and 
also identify whether there are specific integration points or new work 
(points 2 and 3 above) to be brought forward at this time.



Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 15:54:16 UTC