Re: dependencies in CVS broken + little question

Hi Matteo,

On 06/09/2011 02:41 AM, Matteo Bertamini wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I'm trying to use the last CVS sources of the MobileOK but I'm having
> some problems with them.
> In this import is stated:
> import jxcss.SAXCSSDocumentHandler;

I'm not sure I understand where you take that from. There is no file in the sources of the mobileOK Checker library:

... and this import statement does not appear anywhere in the source code, as far as I can tell. Could you clarify where you found this file and import statement?


> but none of the jars present in the proper library directory gives
> that package. So, I've tried to look for that library in internet and
> the only thing I've found is this:
> where every download is unavailable.
> How could I solve this issue?
> Thank you!
> Matteo

Received on Friday, 10 June 2011 10:50:00 UTC