答复: one problem about using mobileOK

Hi Francois,

Thanks for your information.  
In fact, I am using the unicorn .  I deployed the unicorn on my local
machine,  but the unicorn depends on the online service of mobileOK. So I
try to deploy the mobileOK on my local machine. 
However ,just like what you said, there is no easy-to-install version of the
online service.   Do you have any material or documentation elaborating on
how to deploy and run the service on local?  If not, could you pls give me
some tips such as step1, step2,step3......?

Thanks in advance!

发件人: Francois Daoust [mailto:fd@w3.org] 
发送时间: 2011年4月1日 2:23
收件人: v_zhanglili
抄送: public-mobileOK-checker@w3.org
主题: Re: one problem about using mobileOK

On 03/25/2011 10:18 AM, v_zhanglili wrote:
> HI All,
> I am using the mobileOK to verify some web page. But I found that I could
only verify the web page with public IP, my web page with private ip can not
be verified. The mobileOK always complains that the resource under test
could not be retrieved.(picture1 as follow)

Yes, that's by design. The online mobileOK Checker runs on W3C servers. As
such, it cannot access any private IP address.

> So I am planning to install the mobileOK Checker on local, I download the
“mobileOK-Basic-RI-1.0-UserManual.pdf, but it seems that it is out of date.
Also I download the mobileOK-Basic-RI-1.0.jar, and I try to run it under
command mode using command: java –jar mobileOK-Basic-RI-1.0.jar, but I
always get the error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile
mobileOK-Basic-RI-1.0-deploy.jar(picture 2 as follow)
> Is anyone who could told me where I could download a released build and
how to install the web client on my local machine?

I just uploaded a new version of the JAR, just in case. What probably
happened though is that your download of the JAR file stopped before the end
(timeout?). Could you try again? Make sure you end up with a local JAR file
that is 6.7MB.

Please note that the JAR only contains the mobileOK Checker library. This
will return an output in XML format, and not the full Web report that you
can see on the online service. There is no easy-to-install version of the
online service. You'd need to setup a local Web server and find your way in
the servlet component of the service:


Received on Monday, 18 April 2011 11:18:41 UTC