Re: Subtests that apply to HTTP header fields [was: Re: mobileOK validation logic - jar file?]

Hi Jo,

Well, that's a good point.

I do not think a WG note on the topic is really needed, nor do I think 
that we would be redefining mobileOK by adding an option to apply tests 
on files: by default, the Checker library would still reject URIs with a 
"file" scheme and only return tests and outcomes defined in the spec. 
The important definitions are the tests themselves and the conditions 
for a page to be mobileOK, and these would not change.

That being said, the library is indeed supposed to be a reference 
implementation of the mobileOK Basic Tests specification, and as such, 
should not contain stuff that is not defined in the spec (e.g. although 
anyone can add new tests, the library must stick to the list of tests 
defined in the spec). The library was designed with extensibility in 
mind, but this change requires the introduction of a new test outcome 
and cannot be introduced as a mere separate plug-in to the library.

But then again, it looks a bit of a pity to have to duplicate the code 
just for that. Other ideas?

I think we should discuss this within the main body of the working group 
and get the group's approval/refusal. What about it?

[In the meantime, thanks for not committing any change, Yeliz...]


Jo Rabin wrote:
> I'm sorry to pick up on this so belatedly. I Generally agree with the 
> thrust of the thread but given the specific wording in mobilOK Basic 
> Tests - e.g. 1.2 Applicability, 2.2 Validity of the Tests and 2.3 
> Testing outcomes - whatever is being discussed here is not mobileOK and 
> we know (and love) it.
> If there is scope for off-line testing then I think it might be useful 
> for a WG note on the topic.
> Jo
> Yeliz Yesilada wrote:
>> Hi Francois,
>> Thanks for the clarification. I also think the first approach is 
>> better. If everybody agrees with this, we will go for that approach.
>> Yeliz.
>> On 16 Feb 2009, at 08:47, Francois Daoust wrote:
>>> Yeliz Yesilada wrote:
>>>> Hi Francois,
>>>> I am sorry but I am a bit confused about what you are suggesting :(
>>> Yes, I see what you mean, I was mostly thinking aloud, but didn't 
>>> make any choice ;)
>>> I think I convinced myself that the first approach below is both the 
>>> most satisfactory and the easiest to implement. So I'd go for it.
>>>> Are we talking about the same approach? so in summary...
>>>> Francois wrote:
>>>>> Another possibility is to have FAIL override CANNOTTELL. In other 
>>>>> words compute the test outcome as:
>>>>>  If any of the subtests outcome is FAIL,
>>>>>    then test outcome is FAIL
>>>>>  else if any of the subtests outcome is CANNOTTELL,
>>>>>    then test outcome is CANNOTTELL
>>>>>  else
>>>>>    test outcome is PASS
>>>>> ... and about the same thing at the overall outcome level.
>>> +1 for this one. It's easy to implement and ensures the outcome value 
>>> still means something:
>>>  PASS: mobileOK
>>>  CANNOTTELL: looking fine, but not everything could be checked
>>>  FAIL: something's wrong (test may not have been run entirely)
>>>> or are you suggesting that we go for your original suggestion by 
>>>> including PARTIAL results?
>>>>> In short, the possible outcomes for a subtest (the <result> element 
>>>>> in the XML report) would be:
>>>>>  - PASS, WARN, FAIL for subtests that can be run normally.
>>>>>  - PARTIAL_PASS, PARTIAL_WARN, PARTIAL_FAIL for subtests that can 
>>>>> only be applied partially.
>>>>>  - CANNOTTELL for subtests that simply can't be run.
>>>>> The possible outcomes for a test would be:
>>>>>  - PASS, FAIL for tests that can be completely checked
>>>>>  - PARTIAL_PASS, PARTIAL_FAIL when there is a PARTIAL_* and/or 
>>>>> CANNOTTELL in one of the subtests
>>>>>  - CANNOTTELL when none of the subtests could be run (e.g. for 
>>>>> CACHING)
>>>>> The possible overall outcomes would be:
>>>>>  - PASS, FAIL when all tests can be completely checked (http/https 
>>>>> case)
>>>>>  - PARTIAL_PASS, PARTIAL_FAIL where there is a PARTIAL_* and/or 
>>>>> CANNOTTELL in one of the tests
>>> -1 for that one, since it's more complex and the outcome value would 
>>> then carry two orthogonal dimensions, which doesn't look that good.
>>> Francois.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Yeliz.
>>>> On 13 Feb 2009, at 13:57, Francois Daoust wrote:
>>>>> Yeliz Yesilada wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>> 3/ I think there is a useful distinction to be made between a 
>>>>>>> subtest that can't be run because some data is missing, and a 
>>>>>>> subtest that can't be run because it doesn't need to, i.e. if 
>>>>>>> there are no objects in the page, the OBJECT_OR_SCRIPTS subtests 
>>>>>>> de facto pass. The first possibility is what we're talking about. 
>>>>>>> The second possibility may be of some use in the future (I'm not 
>>>>>>> suggesting we implement it right now). In short, I would rather 
>>>>>>> keep NOT_APPLICABLE to the second case, and use DATA_MISSING (I 
>>>>>>> can't think of a better proposal, but the idea is to point out 
>>>>>>> that the moki representation is incomplete) for checks on files.
>>>>>> I agree. I think what Dominique suggested is a good idea: using 
>>>>>> "cannotTell".
>>>>> Yes, good idea, thanks dom!
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>> I think we need to think "why one would like to know if a 
>>>>>> *sub-test* passed partially or not?". For example, in our 
>>>>>> application if a sub-test can only be checked partially, then we 
>>>>>> have to use the Tester (URI) version to check that again so it's 
>>>>>> enough to know that the a particular sub-test cannot be tested.
>>>>>> I am just not sure if these partial solutions would be useful or 
>>>>>> not. I would rather prefer to keep the approach simple:
>>>>>> subtests
>>>>>> =======
>>>>>> - PASS/FAIL/WARN that can run normally
>>>>>> - CANNOTTELL if there is missing information
>>>>>> tests
>>>>>> ====
>>>>>> - PASS/FAIL/WARN that can run normally
>>>>>> - CANNOTTELL if any of the sub-tests return "CANNOTTELL"
>>>>>> But do you still think it's important to have PARTIAL results?
>>>>> At the subtest level, there aren't so many subtests that are 
>>>>> concerned. I think it would be useful to run EXTERNAL_RESOURCES-2 
>>>>> and -3 or PAGE_SIZE_LIMIT-2 to alert authors that their page is 
>>>>> simply too big, because that's a core mobile limitation. That being 
>>>>> said, it may be added in a second time.
>>>>> At the test level, I just think that we lose the ability to quickly 
>>>>> point out the outcome of the test. You'll basically end up with the 
>>>>> following in each and every check run on a file document:
>>>>> <tests outcome="CANNOTTELL">
>>>>>  <test name="CHARACTER_ENCODING_SUPPORT" outcome="CANNOTTELL">
>>>>>   [list of FAIL/WARN/CANNOTTELL results]
>>>>>  </test>
>>>>>  <test name="CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT" outcome="CANNOTTELL">
>>>>>   [list of FAIL/WARN/CANNOTTELL results]
>>>>>  </test>
>>>>>  <test name="OBJECTS_OR_SCRIPT" outcome="CANNOTTELL">
>>>>>   [list of FAIL/WARN/CANNOTTELL results]
>>>>>  </test>
>>>>>  [...]
>>>>> </tests>
>>>>> Whilst totally correct, the overall outcome and the outcome of the 
>>>>> tests mentioned above doesn't tell you whether there is a FAIL in 
>>>>> one of the subtests or not. Sure enough, this can be sorted out by 
>>>>> having a look at the list of <result />, but it's the same thing 
>>>>> today: the outcome attribute is more a "visual" clue than a 
>>>>> computational need (i.e. its value can be re-computed at any time 
>>>>> by having a look at the list of results elements). By limiting 
>>>>> ourselves to CANNOTTELL, we're dropping that "visual" clue: any 
>>>>> report on a file will need to be parsed to see how many of the 
>>>>> tests that could be run failed.
>>>>> Any tool can compute the corresponding PARTIAL_PASS/PARTIAL_FAIL 
>>>>> pretty easily, but I guess I just like the idea to still have a 
>>>>> notion of PASS/FAIL at the test and overall outcome level.
>>>>> Or...
>>>>> Another possibility is to have FAIL override CANNOTTELL. In other 
>>>>> words compute the test outcome as:
>>>>>  If any of the subtests outcome is FAIL,
>>>>>    then test outcome is FAIL
>>>>>  else if any of the subtests outcome is CANNOTTELL,
>>>>>    then test outcome is CANNOTTELL
>>>>>  else
>>>>>    test outcome is PASS
>>>>> ... and about the same thing at the overall outcome level.
>>>>> Tools would still have to go through the list of results to tell 
>>>>> which tests were only partially run, but at least, looking at a 
>>>>> CANNOTTELL would tell you that "the thing looks great so far 
>>>>> although not everything could be checked", while FAIL would keep 
>>>>> its "something's wrong" meaning. It does work well provided that a 
>>>>> FAIL in a file:// case always imply a FAIL in a http:// case, 
>>>>> otherwise we would just raise a red flag that isn't a real one. I 
>>>>> think that's almost true, except the uncertainty about <object> 
>>>>> elements for computing included resources when files are handled. I 
>>>>> can live with that.
>>>>> This could even be applied to subtests, and the net result is that 
>>>>> we don't have to define more outcome values that carry orthogonal 
>>>>> meanings.
>>>>> What about it?
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> Francois.

Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2009 11:19:34 UTC