New release of CSS Validator


Congratulations for the new release of the CSS Validator!

As you may know, we're using the CSS Validator code as part of our
Java-based mobileOK checker:

I downloaded the new css-validator.jar this morning to see if it could
be used as-is in replacement of the previous version, but doing so
triggers a bunch of errors in our regression test suite.

It appears that there is now a dependency of the validator on the
org.apache.velocity package, even when not using the HTML output of the
        java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/velocity/io/UnicodeInputStream
        at org.w3c.css.css.StyleSheetParser.parseStyleElement(
        at org.w3c.mwi.mobileok.basic.CSSUtils.getStylesheet(

Can you confirm this is a new and intended dependency?



Received on Thursday, 13 March 2008 08:54:34 UTC