[Fwd: MobileOK Validator Issues]

Some bugs highlighted below when checking HTML 4.01 documents...


-------- Message transféré --------
> À: dom@w3.org
> Sujet: MobileOK Validator Issues
> Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 02:57:05 -0800
> Hi Dominique,
> I've found some issues with the mobileOK validator behavior when
> attempting to validate a document with an HTML 4.01 Strict doctype. I
> don't have time to deal with signing up for a mailing list or whatever
> so I'll just drop this off with you to deal with : )
> This is sent from a one-time Gmail account so, sorry, you won't be
> able to get back to me.
> ==Failure Message #1:==
> Note that this failure message appear twice -- citing the same page
> line number.
>     "The document is an HTML document and it fails 
>         to validate according to its given DOCTYPE: The 
>         declaration for the entity "ContentType" must end with '>'. 
> This is not true -- the document is valid according to its doctype. An
> appropriate failure message (appearing one time) would be:
>     "This document uses an HTML DOCTYPE; 
>      the XHTML Basic DOCTYPE is required for mobileOK 
>      validation. (per WHATEVER SPECIFICATION)"
> There may be similar issues with non-Basic XHTML, and XML, doctypes.
> ==Failure Message #2:==
> Note that this failure message appear twice -- citing the same page
> line number.
>     "The document does not validate against the XHTML Basic 
>      1.1 DTD nor MP 1.2: Document root element "html", must 
>      match DOCTYPE root "HTML". (per CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT)"
> This is not true -- the document root and DOCTYPE declaration do match
> (both HTML). This failure message should not occur.
> ==Additional Issue==
> Note a general problem for mobileOK with this failure message, if an
> unclosed empty tag is found:
>     "The document does not validate against the 
>      XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD nor MP 1.2: The element 
>      type "link" must be terminated by the matching 
>      end-tag "</link>". (per CONTENT_FORMAT_SUPPORT)"
> The phrasing of this message is inaccurate as (if I'm not mistaken) an
> empty tag can be validly terminated in XHTML/XML with a closing slash
> in the single empty tag as well as a matching end-tag.
> Thanks

Received on Saturday, 8 March 2008 18:59:37 UTC