Failure on unrecognized format for LINK_TARGET_FORMAT


With the now implemented handling of HTTP errors reporting, the checker
will now fail when making a link to a non-recognized content-type.

Typical scenario:
 * the checker checks a link to an MP3 file
 * it thus makes a request with its known Accept header
 * the server doesn't recognize this as matching the allowed types for
MP3 (audio/mpeg)
 * it thus returns a 406 Not Acceptable
 * which triggers "If the HTTP status represents failure (4xx), other
than 404 or a request for authentication (e.g. 401), FAIL"

This obviously is not the intended effect, since LINK_TARGET_FORMAT has
a test specifically to check that linked resources are in an acceptable
format, which raises at most a WARN.

I think the FAILs in the HTTP Response handling should only be triggered
when analysing the resource itself or one of its included resources
(distinction we already make for basic auth).

What do you think?


Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 08:03:37 UTC